Oak Environmental Inc.

Oak Environmental Inc.

Oak Environmental Inc.

Oak Environmental Inc. builds solutions for the environmental, hydrogeological, geotechnical, mining and oil & gas industries. Since 1985 we have specialized in the design, manufacture, distribution, installation, rental, and repair of geosciences equipment and instrumentation. Based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, we take pride in routinely supplying clients throughout Canada, the USA and worldwide. Our technical expertise and comprehensive product lines provide our customers with the tools they need for field sampling, site investigations, water quality monitoring, measurement of groundwater levels, ground stability monitoring, contaminant recovery, and subsurface remediation. As well, Oak is now a distributor for a well-known line of meteorological instrumentation. Our creative approach to finding solutions motivates us to source high quality, cost effective equipment or even develop new products to meet our customers` evolving needs.

Company details

#2, 4504 - 12 Street N.E. , Calgary , AB T2E 4R2 Canada
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Business Type:
Industry Type:
Environmental Monitoring
Market Focus:
Nationally (across the country)
Year Founded:
$1,000,000 US - $10,000,000 US

This company also provides solutions for other industrial applications.
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