NoseOption AB Industries
Air Filtration
Medical / Health Care
SMOG: Smog is a type of air pollution and comes from the words smoke and fog, which refers to smoky fog. This air pollution consists of nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, ozone, smoke or dirt particles and even less visible particles. Smog arises from carbon, vehicle and industrial emissions as well as forest fires etc. Today we also know that air pollution can react in the atmosphere with sunlight and form new pollutants sk. photochemical smog. Smog is very toxic and can cause serious illness, shortened life or...
Bad odor is a problem that affects many every day throughout the world. Bad odor can occur in different ways, but often it is due to bacterial formation that breaks down various organic tissues. A by-product of this will be gases that we perceive as smelly. Especially sulfur and nitrogen compounds are usually perceived as extra stressful for humans, while other animals do not have the same problems with these odors. The human nose consists of thousands of receptors in the nose that capture molecules and...
Infections can occur when bacteria enter your body. Bacteria are small organisms that are found almost everywhere; in and around us, on the skin, mouth, intestines and air, water and soil. Many of them we benefit from, e.g. in our stomach and intestines to help us break down food that we eat, but there are also harmful types of bacteria that wants to enter the human body by passing our natural defense system (skin, mouth, nose, eyes, ears and abdomen).
A virus is a microscopic infectious agent that replicates inside the living cells off an organism. When someone is infected the virus replicates into thousands of copies. Virus is spread via e.g. coughing, sneezing, contact, food or water. COVID-19 is primarily spread through close contact and respiratory droplets such as coughs and sneezes .
Worldwide, pollen is a problem that impacts people’s lives yearly. The type of pollen varies country to country, and part of season, but grass pollen is a major problem worldwide. In the Nordics the most common allergenic pollen is from birch, alder and hazel. The allergic reaction that arises is mainly due to the fact that pollen is periodically present in large quantities. Birch and grass e.g. are wind pollinated, which means it is spread with the wind. Warmer temperatures and higher levels of CO2 make...