Naked Prosthetics

Naked Prosthetics

4 products found

Naked Prosthetics Products

  • Devices

  • PIPDriver - Robust & Functional Prostheses for Finger & Partial Hand Amputees

    PIPDriver - Robust & Functional Prostheses for Finger & Partial Hand Amputees

    The PIPDriver is designed for individuals who have an amputation at the middle of distal phalanx. As an articulating, body-driven prosthesis, the PIPDriver restores length, provides dexterity, replaces a missing DIP joint, and protects sensitive residua. Each device is custom-designed and fabricated to within millimeters of a patient’s unique anatomy to successfully mimic the complex motion of a ...

  • MCPDriver - Robust & Functional Prostheses for Finger & Partial Hand Amputees

    MCPDriver - Robust & Functional Prostheses for Finger & Partial Hand Amputees

    The MCPDriver is designed for individuals with amputations through the proximal phalanx. The MCPDriver restores the middle and distal phalanges. These body-driven, articulating devices allow patients to regain fine dexterity and natural grip patterns. The MCPDriver excels at restoring pinch, key, cylindrical, and power grasps, as well as grip ...

  • ThumbDriver - Robust, Custom and Functional Solution

    ThumbDriver - Robust, Custom and Functional Solution

    Restores opposition and strength. The thumb is arguably the most important digit of the hand. The ThumbDriver shares its heritage with the MCPDriver. It features a unique anchor design that tracks the patient’s natural CMC motion and provides a rigid structure to react to the heavy forces generated by opposition. The tip has an adjustable preflex and articulates more subtly than in the MCPDriver. Each device is custom-designed to within millimeters ...

  • GripLock Finger - Partial-Hand Limb Difference Proximal to the MCP

    GripLock Finger - Partial-Hand Limb Difference Proximal to the MCP

    The GripLock Finger is designed for digits two through five and is a passive positionable digit prosthesis. It is intended for use in conjunction with a custom fabricated socket which is fit by a certified prosthetist. Users can position the finger into varying degrees of flexion by using their opposing hand or a hard surface. The Griplock Finger can then release to full ...