Mercury Biomed

Mercury Biomed

3 products found

Mercury Biomed Products

  • Mercury - Smart Temperature Management System

    Mercury - Smart Temperature Management System

    Mercury’s proprietary Smart Temperature Management System™ represents a breakthrough, non-invasive and holistic approach to tapping-in to the body’s natural way of raising or lowering its core temperature, recruiting our body’s physiology to work in-concert with its devices – the way nature ...

  • Mercury SmartCool - Therapeutic Hypothermia System

    Mercury SmartCool - Therapeutic Hypothermia System

    Safe induction of therapeutic hypothermia by anyone, anywhere, when it matters most. Inducing mild hypothermia in patients suffering sudden cardiac arrest, stroke and traumatic brain injury has been shown to reduce irreversible brain, vital tissue and organ damage – and the sooner, the ...

  • Mercury WarmSmart - Perioperative Patient Warming System

    Mercury WarmSmart - Perioperative Patient Warming System

    Actively warming patients to achieve normal body temperature in the perioperative period is the standard of care. Hypothermia in the OR is associated with adverse outcomes including surgical site infections, impaired drug metabolism and cardiac ...