MedVision Group

MedVision Group

MedVision Group

K.K. MedVision is an innovative and fast-growing Japanese company specialized in designing and manufacturing high-fidelity medical simulators and having more than nine years of history in the development of medical simulation equipment. K.K. MedVision was established as partnership of LLC Eidos-Medicine and K.K. DNAFORM

Company details

Room 605, Nihonbashi Life Science Building 2 3-11-5, Nihonbashi Honcho , Chuo-ku , Tokyo 103-0023 Japan
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Business Type:
Industry Type:
Medical Equipment
Market Focus:
Globally (various continents)

Suppliers of MedVision simulators:

  1. K.K. MedVision in Japan, Tokyo:
    • R&D
    • Quality Control
    • Service Center
    • Sales in Japan
  2. LLC MedVision in USA, Orlando:
    • Service Center
    • Sales in North/South America
  3. GmbH MedVision in Austria, Vienna:
    • EU Production
    • Service Center
    • Sales in the Europe
  4. LLC EIDOS-Medicine in Russia, Kazan:
    • Production
    • R&D
    • Service Center
    • Sales in CIS, Asia and Middle East

We are caught in a constant cycle of designing, perfecting, inventing new solutions and systems for modern high-key medical education and we love it. Being client-oriented is among our main goals, we value and cherish all of our customers and partners, providing quick and professional support. Best simulation experiences and simulation centers - all is possible with MedVision medical simulators and experience. Looking forward to working with you.

We employ more than 150 software developers, hardware developers, electronics specialists, quality service and customer service specialists, metalworks, casting and assembly specialists, employing such standards as Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and ISO9001.

Production localization is as high as 95%, allowing us to have full control over the whole process. We can swiftly supply any spare part, unit or junction for our simulators, eliminating delay risks when sourcing from external suppliers.

The main emphasis is with our quality control system and service system, which are provided by a set of proprietary software products such as PDM (Product Data Management), ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and CRM (Customer Relations Management), all developed together Japanese specialists with 20 years of experience in quality.