11 products found
Medical Technology Industries (MTI), Inc. Products
MTI Products - Medical Chairs
MTI - Model 840 - Stretcher Bed
An efficient workflow starts with a streamlined process. MTI’s 840 Stretcher Bed helps you optimize your workflow to provide the best patient and caregiver experience possible while quality care remains ...
MTI - Model 830 - Medical Procedure Chair
The all-new MTI 830 Series Chairs are ADA Compliant in all base versions (standard, swivel or mobile) using the transfer support, providing easy patient ingress/egress, and equal access for patients and caregivers with ...
MTI - Model 829 - Medical Procedure Chair
The all-new MTI 829 Series Chairs are ADA Compliant in all base versions (standard, swivel or mobile) using the transfer support, providing easy patient ingress/egress, and equal access for patients and caregivers with ...
MTI - Model 550 - Podiatry & Wound Care Chair
The all-new MTI 550 Podiatry & Wound Care Chair is ADA Compliant in all base versions (standard, swivel or mobile) using the transfer support, providing easy patient ingress/egress, and equal access for patients and caregivers with ...
MTI - Model 450W - Bariatric Table
The MTI 450W Bariatric Chair provides the comfort and strength your patients deserve with a 30” width, 19″ entry height and 800 lb lift capacity. The bariatric chair offers four user-programmable settings to assure rapid movement into upright, contour, flat, and trendelenburg positions. The plug-n-play spline system offers the convenience of switching out arms, leg wrap supports, vision blocks and ...
MTI - Model 529 - Podiatry & Wound Care Chair
The all-new MTI 529 Podiatry & Wound Care Chair is ADA Compliant in both standard and swivel base versions using the transfer support, providing easy patient ingress/egress, and equal access for patients and caregivers with disabilities. With a redesigned powered foot section concealing a pull-out stainless steel debris tray, MTI has improved on its gold standard line of Podiatry/Wound Care chairs with a 725 lb patient weight capacity and ADA ...
MTI - Model 464 - Exam/Procedure Chair
The all-new MTI 464 Series Chairs are ADA compliant using the transfer support, providing easy patient ingress/egress, and equal access for patients and caregivers with disabilities. All 464 Chairs come equipped with SmartTech™ featuring ComfortSync™. SmartTech™ is the combination of MTI’s Smart Controller™ and SmartSafety™ technology using a centralized computer controller that enhances safety, reduces energy ...
MTI - Model 421 - Exam Chair
The MTI 421 Power Lift Exam Chair uses a manual back for a quick and smooth recline to the flat position with footrest extended, while still offering all the quality of MTI’s full feature chairs. The gas spring counterbalances the patient while reclining, and aids the operator in returning patients to the upright position. Coupled with the power lift, quickly and efficiently position your ...
MTI - Model 401 - Exam Chair
The MTI 401 Hydraulic Power Base Exam Chair uses a manual back for a quick and smooth recline to the flat position and a more cost-effective electro-hydraulic power base, while still offering all the quality of MTI’s full feature chairs. The precision gas spring counterbalances the patient while reclining the backrest and aids the operator in returning patients to the upright ...
MTI - Model 721 - Tri Power Surgery Chair
The MTI 721 Tri Power Surgery Chair offers maximum accessibility and a comfortable contoured seat for your patients. The tapered backrest and narrow headrest provide superior patient access whether you are sitting or standing. The surgery chair also offers the versatility of multiple arm configurations, numerous headrests and countless ...
MTI Products - Cabinets
MTI - Model TC100A - Sit-Down Mobile ENT Treatment Cabinet
The MTI TC100A is perhaps the best sit-down mobile ENT treatment cabinet in the marketplace. This ENT cart features European construction, styling, and curves and some “plug-n-play“ components allow for replacement without the use of any tools. We combine premium materials with contemporary ergonomic engineering for quality only MTI delivers. For staff and patient safety, all MTI ENT cabinets are latex-free to reduce allergic reactions. ...