Leather and Footwear Research Institute

Leather and Footwear Research Institute

Leather and Footwear Research Institute

Leather and Footwear Research Institute (ICPI) is a branch of National Institute of Research and Development for Textile and Leather (INCDTP) and is located in Bucharest, Romania having a a staff of about 70 persons. ICPI possesses unique expertise and R&D facilities in the field of leather processing and shoe manufacturing and is coordinated by the Ministry of Education and Research, being a National State Institute. It is in permanent contact with the industry and the Ministry of Industry and Resources. ICPI assures technological services, transfer of knowledge and know-how for leather, shoes, rubber goods, synthesis of new products, biomaterials based on collagen, computer aided leather and footwear designing, quality control, technology transfer, optimization of technological processes, treatment of waste waters and solid wastes and tests for their application. ICPI is participating in strategy and prognosis studies for Romanian leather and shoe industry modernization

Company details

93, Ion Minulescu str. sector 3 , Bucharest , 031215 Romania
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Business Type:
Research institute
Industry Type:
Leather & Tanning
Market Focus:
Nationally (across the country)