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Veterinary Monitoring Suppliers & Manufacturers

8 companies found
  • Infunix Technology Co., Ltd.
    based in Seongdong-gu, SOUTH KOREA

    Infunix Technology Co., Ltd. is a global medical technology company that develops and manufactures pulse oximeters and patient monitors including noninvasive patient monitors with a wide array of sensors. Expertise of Infunix Technology in medical ...

    Infunix - Model IP-3010 Vet / IP-3050 Vet - Multi Parameter Veterinary Monitor

    Infunix - Model IP-3010 Vet / IP-3050 Vet - Multi Parameter Veterinary Monitor

    7 inch / 8.5 inch Widescreen (16:9) TFT Color. LCD with ultra-wide viewing angle. Provide 7 parameters with 5 waveforms. Detects 12 types of ECG arrhythmia and displays PVC and ST Level. Sidestream EtCO2 module and printer can be built in the ...

  • PaceTech
    based in Clearwater, FLORIDA (USA)

    PaceTech is one of the world's leading developers and manufacturers of medical, laboratory, hospital, and healthcare equipment. Each Patient Monitor is manufactured in the USA. PaceTech is currently seeking Distributors to market our Patient ...

    Vitalmax - Model 4000VET - Veterinary Monitor with SunTech BP

    Vitalmax - Model 4000VET - Veterinary Monitor with SunTech BP

    This unit has a medium size 12-inch TFT color screen, it is configurable with integrated 3/5 lead ECG, Resp., SpO2, TEMP, NIBP, IBP and EtCO2 measurements. It is suitable for a wide range of general veterinary ...

    based in Tampa, FLORIDA (USA)

    Our company has been supplying high-quality veterinary equipment since 2001. We now offer an outstanding monitor that accurately tracks the vital signs of veterinary patients. Jim Arnold, our director of product management, holds a degree in ...

    VetTRENDS - Veterinary Monitor System

    VetTRENDS - Veterinary Monitor System

    The Ideal Veterinary Monitor System for Your Patients. At VetTRENDS®, we believe in creative thinking. We are revolutionizing veterinary patient care and bringing a new dimension to ...

  • JD Medical Distributing Co., Inc.
    based in Phoenix, ARIZONA (USA)

    JD Medical manufactures both large and small animal veterinary anesthesia machines. Our 40 years of experience in the field has established us as the leader in large animal anesthesia and ventilation. Our reputation of post-sales service sets us ...

    JD Medical - Model Mindray Veterinary Vital Signs Monitors - Veterinary Monitor

    JD Medical - Model Mindray Veterinary Vital Signs Monitors - Veterinary Monitor

    Safety and efficiency for veterinary monitoring. The iPM12 Vet adds modularity to a powerful configured multi-parameter monitor for the veterinary practice. With its multiple gas ...

  • Digicare Animal Health
    based in Boynton Beach, FLORIDA (USA)

    Welcome to Digicare Animal Health where patient safety is our number one priority. Innovation is key in our product line. You will only find premium measurement modules that are always veterinary specific. We thrive in customer satisfaction and ...

    Digicare - Model LifeWindow Lite LW8Vet - Multi-parameter Veterinary Monitor

    Digicare - Model LifeWindow Lite LW8Vet - Multi-parameter Veterinary Monitor

    Digicare’s LifeWindow Lite LW8Vet is a multi-parameter veterinary monitor. The touch screen user interface makes the LifeWindow Lite LW8Vet very intuitive. Using only premium veterinary ...

  • Vmed Technology
    based in Mill Creek, WASHINGTON (USA)

    Vmed veterinary monitors include the PC-VetGard+ wireless multi-parameter surgical monitor; PC-VetChek wireless ECG and recovery monitor for post surgical and critical care monitoring, ECG Lead II evaluation in pre-surgical screening or as part of ...

  • OptiGene Limited
    based in West Sussex, UNITED KINGDOM

    OptiGene Limited was formed in 2008 to develop and deliver advanced molecular diagnostics solutions for applications across a range of market sectors. The company is privately owned and is based in Horsham in the South of England, close to Gatwick ...

  • RGB Medical Devices S.A.
    based in Madrid, SPAIN

    Company founded in 1988 as a 'spin-off' of the Polytechnic University, with a vocation to develop innovative technologies for the hospital environment. In addition to contributing to improve patient safety from the clinical aspect, it is also ...

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