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Tissue Bioprinting Suppliers & Manufacturers

12 companies found
  • Organovo Holdings Inc.
    based in San Diego, CALIFORNIA (USA)

    We are pioneering a unique set of therapeutic and drug profiling capabilities based on our revolutionary ability to 3D bioprint tissues that mimic key aspects of human biology and disease. We intend to fundamentally alter the drug discovery ...

    Organovo - Bioprinting Process Tissues

    Organovo - Bioprinting Process Tissues

    Our bioprinting process starts with the identification of key architectural and compositional elements of a target tissue, and the creation of a design that can be utilized by a bioprinter to ...

  • Poietis
    based in Pessac, FRANCE

    Poietis is a biotechnology company specialized in the development and manufacturing of human tissues by 4D bioprinting. Since its inception in 2014 the company has been developing physiological models, particularly in partnership with the world’s ...

    Poietis - Model NGB - Next Generation Bioprinting Plaform

    Poietis - Model NGB - Next Generation Bioprinting Plaform

    Next Generation Bioprinting (NGB) plaform has been developed to overcome current tissue manufacturing methods which are the bottleneck impeding standardisation, scale-up and large-scale market adoption of ...

  • Revotek Co., Ltd.
    based in Lewes, DELAWARE (USA)

    Revotek is a vertically integrated 3D bio-printing company currently specializing in vascular structures for research and clinical applications. In December 2016, Revotek became the first company in the world to successfully print and implant 3D ...

  • Allevi, Inc.
    based in Philadelphia, PENNSYLVANIA (USA)

    Allevi creates tools and solutions to design, engineer and build with life. Our 3D bioprinters and bioinks are used around the world to find solutions to humanity’s most difficult problems – to cure disease, to test novel drugs, and to eliminate the ...

  • UPM Biomedicals
    based in Helsinki, FINLAND

    UPM Biomedicals is the forerunner in producing high quality nanofibrillar cellulose for medical and life science applications. More than 300 patents protect the existing and future products that rely on the Finnish birch pulp. We actively ...

  • 3DBio Therapeutics
    based in Long Island City, NEW YORK (USA)

    3D Bio is a clinical-stage biotechnology company and leader in regenerative medicine using novel 3D-bioprinting and materials technologies to deliver safe, functional and personalized living tissues and organs, engineered on-demand for patients. ...

    3dBio - Overshell

    3dBio - Overshell

    The Overshell is a proprietary technology 3DBio has developed to provide a means for adding non-permanent structural support to biological implants where desirable (e.g. surgical handling and early mechanical function) while supporting ...

  • Alcyomics Ltd.
    based in Newcastle Upon Tyne, UNITED KINGDOM

    Our mission at Alcyomics is to provide novel solutions for the assessment of safety and efficacy of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and chemicals. As a service provider Alcyomics aspires to take the lead in providing unique screening services enabling ...

    Cell Bioprinting

    Cell Bioprinting

    Tissue Engineering 3D Platform Building tissue one layer at a time. Our expertise in the additive manufacturing and 3D printing technology combined with our understanding of 3D tissue models allows ...

  • Prellis Biologics, Inc.
    based in San Francisco, CALIFORNIA (USA)

    Prellis Biologics, Inc. utilizes its proprietary, high-resolution bioprinting technology to recreate and engineer human tissues in vitro. A key application is Prellis’ Externalized Immune System, EXIS, which through the creation of lymph node ...

  • Humabiologics, Inc
    based in Phoenix, ARIZONA (USA)

    Humabiologics, Inc is a regenerative medicine startup founded by scientists and tissue industry experts with scientific, quality, regulatory and technology transfer expertise to address the gap between the gift of donated human tissues and ...

    Huma OsteoGelMA - Model BMHL/BMML - Human Gelatin Methacrylate, Lyophilized

    Huma OsteoGelMA - Model BMHL/BMML - Human Gelatin Methacrylate, Lyophilized

    Huma OsteoGelMA is a methacrylated version of Humabiologics’, first of its kind, human gelatin. Its ability to be photocrosslinked allows for a tunable 3D gel with a wide range of applications including 3D bioprinting, 3D ...

  • Scie-Con Scientific Consulting LLC
    based in , USA

    We represent GeSiM mbH, your partner for 3D-Bioprinting, Microfluidics, Nanodispensing, Micro-Contact Printing and custom liquid handling solutions. GeSiM bioinstruments such as the BioScaffolder, Nanoplotter, Micro-contact Printer and ...

    GeSiM BioScaffolder - Customizable Bioprinting Multitool For Regenerative Medicine

    GeSiM BioScaffolder - Customizable Bioprinting Multitool For Regenerative Medicine

    The GeSiM BioScaffolder is a customizable bioprinting multitool for regenerative medicine, tissue engineering and biomaterials research and it fits into most biosafety cabinets. It offers a variety of tools used for ...

  • 3D Bioprinting Solutions
    based in Moscow, RUSSIA

    3D Bioprinting Solutions is a Laboratory for Biotechnological Research founded by INVITRO, the largest private medical company in Russia. The laboratory develops and produces bioprinters and materials for 3D bioprinting, and also develops innov ...

    Model FABION 2 - Bioprinters

    Model FABION 2 - Bioprinters

    FABION 2 is the next generation bioprinter able to print complex structures using tissue spheroids and a wide range of hydrogels with different types of polymerization: thermosensitive hydrogels, multi-component ...

  • Precise Bio
    based in Winston-Salem, NORTH CAROLINA (USA)

    A precise, practical approach to 4D Bio-Fabricated Transplantable Tissues and Organs. Precise Bio is a regenerative medicine company that is advancing the use of bio-printed tissues and organs in patients in ophthalmology and is building a broad ...

    Precise Bio - Bio-Printing Transplantable Organs and Tissues

    Precise Bio - Bio-Printing Transplantable Organs and Tissues

    This platform can solve critical limitations of existing 3D bio-fabrication technologies and is paving the way for the engineering of more complex tissues and organs. ...


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