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Surgery Professional Associations

2 companies found
  • Liver Transplant India
    Professional association
    based in Noida, INDIA

    Liver Transplant India is an authentic site, which provides complete information about Liver Transplant specialists and Liver Transplant costs in India. Here is Dr A.S. Soin, who is recognized since 1998 the world over for pioneering and ...

    Liver Transplant and Surgery Services

    Liver Transplant and Surgery Services

    According to international guidelines, any patient suffering from liver cirrhosis who is assessed to have a life expectancy of less than a year should be considered for a transplant. Severity of liver disease is graded from A to C. Usually all Grade ...

  • WaterJet Technology Association (WJTA)
    Professional association
    based in St. Louis, MISSOURI (USA)

    The WaterJet Technology Association (WJTA) members include high pressure waterjet and industrial vacuum equipment users, manufacturers, distributors, researchers, regulators, and consultants. WJTA is international in scope with corporate and ...

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