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Small-Molecule Drug Suppliers For Chemical & Pharmaceuticals

3 companies found
  • Creative Biolabs
    based in Shirley, NEW YORK (USA)

    Over the last 10 years, Creative Biolabs has become a leader of recombinant antibody (rAb) discovery and manufacturing, providing high quality service to customers in academia and industry fields all over the world. Creative Biolabs was founded by ...

  • CD Formulation
    based in , NEW YORK (USA)

    CD Formulation is a leading manufacturer of excipients, serving the pharmaceutical industry to help it improve the performance of its products. We develop, produce and sell pharmaceutical excipients for solid, semi-solid and liquid dosage forms. Our ...

  • Atomwise Inc.
    based in San Francisco, CALIFORNIA (USA)

    Atomwise is a technology-enabled pharmaceutical company leveraging the power of AI to revolutionize small molecule drug discovery. The Atomwise team invented the use of deep learning for structure-based drug design; this technology underpins ...

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