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Skin Antiseptic Suppliers & Manufacturers

6 companies found
  • ACTO GmbH
    based in Holte, GERMANY

    ACTO GmbH was founded in Braunschweig, Germany in 1990. As of today, our headquarter and the factory is located in Wietzen-Holte, Germany, and other branches in Braunschweig, Bavaria, and Baden-Württemberg in Germany. Specialized in hygiene, ...

    Model Actoderm - Hand and Skin Antiseptic with 2-Propanol 70 % (V/V)

    Model Actoderm - Hand and Skin Antiseptic with 2-Propanol 70 % (V/V)

    Actoderm®, is an alcohol-based hand and skin antiseptic. Used for hygienic and surgical hand disinfection. Does not cause any allergic reaction. Dermatologically tested. Does not contain aldehyde, phenol, ...

    based in K.Cekmece / Istanbul, TURKEY

    KAF GRUP SAG. HIZM. INS. SAN. VE TIC. LTD. STI. As our headquarters is in Istanbul, we have a closed area of 15.000 m2 in Van and Istanbul; There are GMP certified Medical Device Sterilization units in Class 1000, 10.000, 100.000 production areas; ...

  • VetBiotek, Inc.
    based in Oldsmar, FLORIDA (USA)

    VetBiotek provides innovative solutions for veterinary medicine. The VetBiotek management team has over 200 years of cumulative experience in the veterinary marketplace. Our goal is to bring the most advanced, novel ingredients to the veterinary ...

    BioTris - Antiseptic Topical Formulation for Cleansing and Flushing of Ears and Skin

    BioTris - Antiseptic Topical Formulation for Cleansing and Flushing of Ears and Skin

    Ceramide III helps support healthy skin. Antiseptic cleansing flush for dogs and cats with dermatological conditions responsive to Miconazole. BioTris Flush may be used for the topical cleansing of puncture wounds, ...

  • Germo S.p.a
    based in Cormano, ITALY

    Since 1956 Germo formulates, tests and produces disinfectants, detergents, cosmetics for hospitals and large retailers, through dedicated lines for every need. The Research and Development area together with our laboratories represents the core of ...

    Plusalc - Skin Disinfectant

    Plusalc - Skin Disinfectant

    PLUSALC is a product which can be used in all cases where is necessary disinfecting the epidermis. It cleanses, disinfects and perfumes the skin with its antiseptic composition, without halos, and it dries ...

  • Babgencel GmbH
    based in Düsseldorf, GERMANY

    Babgencel GmbH innovates superior products for the complete solution of general and hospital hygiene requirements with infection control. Babgencel GmbH is the autorization holder for all products in Europe with 18 trademarks. Babgencel GmbH has 21 ...

    Babgencel - Model Hexadermal Retail - Alcohol Based Hand & Skin Disinfection

    Babgencel - Model Hexadermal Retail - Alcohol Based Hand & Skin Disinfection

    Hexadermal hand and skin antiseptic, with its alcohol content, is used for disinfection of living tissues and as presurgery skin antiseptic. It has bactericidal, fungicidal and ...

  • I.W. Tremont Co., Inc.
    based in Hawthorne, NEW JERSEY (USA)

    I.W. Tremont is a USA based filtration products manufacturer specializing in glass microfiber and cellulose media. The company also supplies extraction thimbles, syringe filters, membranes and technical specialty materials. Our unique product ...

    Tremont - Model IPA - Cotton Wipes

    Tremont - Model IPA - Cotton Wipes

    Important: Non-Sterile, not intended for use in applications of direct patient skin contact as antiseptic or as a high level medical device disinfectant. Professional use, not intended or labeled for retail ...


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