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Real-Time PCR Kit Suppliers & Manufacturers

27 companies found
  • KogeneBiotech
    based in Geumcheon-gu, SOUTH KOREA

    Since KogeneBiotech was founded in 2000, and our company has earned a reputation for innovation in Molecular Diagnostics. Our main business units are the production of Real-time PCR/conventional assay based on the active R&D works and testing ...

    PowerChek - Allergen Real-Time PCR Kit

    PowerChek - Allergen Real-Time PCR Kit

    Reliable detection methods for food allergens are necessary to ensure compliance with food labeling and to improve consumer protection.PowerChek Allergen Real-time PCR Kit ...

  • Diatech Pharmacogenetics srl
    based in Jesi (AN), ITALY

    Diatech Pharmacogenetics is the Italian leader in the development, production and commercialisation of pharmacogenetics tests for cancer precision medicine. Founded in 1996, Diatech Pharmacogenetics has sustained constant organic growth over the ...

    Easy BRAF - Model RT002 - Real Time PCR Kit

    Easy BRAF - Model RT002 - Real Time PCR Kit

    A specific oligo control mix enables the evaluation of the quality and the quantity of the DNA in each sample. Control DNA positive for all the mutations detected by the ...

  • Liferiver Bio-Tech (United States) Corp.
    based in La Jolla, CALIFORNIA (USA)

    Liferiver is a leading PCR-based molecular diagnostics solution provider, developing, manufacturing & marketing real time PCR diagnostic kits as well as instruments. We offer over 400 testing kits covering most infectious diseases, genetic diseases, ...

    Liferiver - Model DD-0033-01 - Shigella Real Time PCR Kit

    Liferiver - Model DD-0033-01 - Shigella Real Time PCR Kit

    LightCycler 1.0 (Internal control can't be used for this system); LightCycler 2.0; PE5700, MJ-Opticon & other single color systems; ABI7000, ABI7300, ABI7500, ABI7900, ABI StepOne, StepOne plus, MJ-Opticon2, MJ-chromo4, MX3000P, MX3005P, Smart ...

  • GenoSensor Corporation
    based in Tempe, ARIZONA (USA)

    GenoSensor Corporation is a genomic technology company, aiming to improve human healthcare by developing and marketing products and services for genomic research, drug discovery, predisposition gene screening, therapeutic assessment and other ...

    GS - Model 22 - COVID-19 Real-Time PCR Kit

    GS - Model 22 - COVID-19 Real-Time PCR Kit

    Provide all-in-one master mix including cDNA synthesis, PCR mix, primers and probe of each ...

  • Boditech Med Inc.
    based in Gangwon-do, SOUTH KOREA

    Boditech Med has been established as an antibody developing and manufacturing business in 1998. We’ve changed our business direction to in-vitro diagnostic market in 2000 considering potential of the market segment. Since then, we have reached ...

    Boditech - ExAmplar COVID-19 real-time PCR Kit

    Boditech - ExAmplar COVID-19 real-time PCR Kit

    A ready-to-use PCR kit with enhanced stability. This test comes in ready-to-use mixture and the user can use the reagent without mixing ingredients. Dissolve the dry beads in a diluent followed by adding the ...

  • BAG Diagnostics GmbH
    based in Lich, GERMANY

    Since 1947, however, our desire to inspire you by understanding your needs has been even more central. Which is why we strive to develop only products with added value and meaning. This is where decades of experience and innovations flow in, ...

    Bag - Model HISTO TYPE Rainbow - HLA Real-Time PCR Typing Kit

    Bag - Model HISTO TYPE Rainbow - HLA Real-Time PCR Typing Kit

    Our expertise for your lean real-time PCR: HISTO TYPE Rainbow is THE solution for your simple and fast HLA typing with low to medium resolution. Thanks to our optimised multiplexing, you can type ...

  • BioMaxima SA
    based in Lublin, POLAND

    BioMaxima S.A. is a Polish company listed on GPW Main Market, producer of microbiology media as well as a wide range of reagents and in vitro diagnostics equipment. The company is also a distributor of products of recognized global diagnostics ...

  • Streck, Inc.
    based in La Vista, NEBRASKA (USA)

    Streck is an ISO-certified biotech company with proven proprietary science and an unwavering commitment to the highest standards in developing and manufacturing Quality Control and diagnostic products in hematology, immunology, molecular ...

    Streck - Model ARM-D Kit, ampC - Multiplex Real-Time PCR Kit

    Streck - Model ARM-D Kit, ampC - Multiplex Real-Time PCR Kit

    The Streck ARM-D Kit, ampC is a multiplex real-time PCR kit for the rapid detection of antibiotic resistance genes in Gram-negative bacteria. This ...

    based in Hradec Králové, CZECH REPUBLIC

    GENERI BIOTECH was established in 1995, originally as a facility for production of oligonucleotides. We are focusing on R&D, manufacturing and selling of own proprietary products such as real-time PCR CE IVD kits, Life Sciences products and ...

    GENERI BIOTECH - Model gb HEMO PAI1 (4G/5G) - IVD Kit for Thrombophilic Mutations

    GENERI BIOTECH - Model gb HEMO PAI1 (4G/5G) - IVD Kit for Thrombophilic Mutations

    Detection method: allelic discrimination, real-time PCR; This in vitro diagnostic kit is intended for detection of mutation 4G/5G in PAI1 gene promotor in human genomic DNA. ...

  • Asan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
    based in Seoul, SOUTH KOREA

    Asan Pharm Co., Ltd is a company that manufactures in vitro diagnostic reagents. Considering that the main specimen of the reagents is blood, the symbol is embodied with the heart, and its color is marked in red like the color of ...

  • Zinexts Life Science Corp.
    based in New Taipei City, TAIWAN

    Established 2011 in Taiwan's aspiring capital Taipei, Zinexts Life Science has become a leading Biotechnology Company that is designing, developing and manufacturing a wide array of reliable, user friendly and cost effective Molecular Biology ...

    RTA - Real Time PCR Kits

    RTA - Real Time PCR Kits

    RTA® REAL TIME PCR KITs are the Real-Time PCR-based diagnostic tests for the in vitro qualitative detection ...

  • AB ANALITICA s.r.l.
    based in PADUA, ITALY

    AB ANALITICA was established in the year 1990 in Padua in the Veneto region (north-east Italy) and is a company is specialized in the development and the sale of diagnostic systems for professional use. Through our highly qualified and committed ...

    Model REALQUALITY RQ-CMV - Diagnostic CE-IVD Kit

    Model REALQUALITY RQ-CMV - Diagnostic CE-IVD Kit

    REALQUALITY RQ-CMV is a diagnostic CE-IVD kit for the identification and quantification of the DNA of Human Cytomegalovirus (CMV) by Real time PCR. ...

  • Dia.Pro Diagnostic Bioprobes s.r.l
    based in Sesto San Giovanni, ITALY

    Dia.Pro Diagnostic Bioprobes Srl is a Global key player in in-vitro diagnostics & develops, manufactures & markets a wide range of high-quality & trusted branded innovative IVD’s. A privately owned company, founded in 1996 in Milan Italy, with over ...



    The VZV DNA Quantitation (QT) Real-Time PCR kit coded VZVDNAQT.CE is intended for the quantitative detection of Varicella-Zoster virus DNA in human plasma and CSF ...

  • Gold Standard Diagnostics Horsham, Inc. (formerly Abraxis)
    based in Warminster, PENNSYLVANIA (USA)

    For over 20 years, Gold Standard Diagnostics Horsham, Inc. (formerly Abraxis) has been developing, manufacturing, and marketing rapid environmental, food, and life sciences test systems, including immunochemistry products and methods, to meet the ...

  • Molbio Diagnostics Pvt. Ltd.
    based in Verna, INDIA

    For long Molecular Diagnostics has been the domain of large central laboratories requiring patients and samples to travel long distances for a test to be conducted. These pose several logistic and technical challenges leading to increased costs and ...

  • Primerdesign Ltd
    based in Chandler`s Ford, UNITED KINGDOM

    Primerdesign is focused on the design, manufacture, validation and supply of real-time PCR kits and reagents. The company was founded in 2005 within Southampton University's School of Medicine. Since that humble beginning, the company has gone from ...

  • Jiangsu Bioperfectus Technologies Co., Ltd.
    based in Shanghai, CHINA

    BioPerfectus, a public listed company on Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE:688399), has been one of the leading molecular diagnostic solution providers specialized in infectious diseases ever since 2010. With headquarters located in Jiangsu, subsidiaries ...

  • BIORON Diagnostics GmbH
    based in Römerberg, GERMANY

    BIORON Diagnostics is a producer and worldwide acting trader of molecular biological and diagnostic products since 2010. Our products fulfil highest quality and health standards and we are certified according to DIN EN ISO 13 485:2016. With our high ...

    BIORON - RealLine Chlamydia Trachomatis

    BIORON - RealLine Chlamydia Trachomatis

    RealLine Chlamydia trachomatis Kits detect Chlamydia trachomatis plasmid and genomic DNA in clinical samples by Real-Time PCR. The kits are designed for in vitro ...

  • Ultrassay BioTech Co., Ltd.
    based in Hefei, CHINA

    Ultrassay Biotech Co., Ltd. is a young company whom dedicated to the manufacturing, research & development, and marketing of In Vitro Diagnostics Reagents, Raw-materials and Life Science Instruments, ranging from specimen collections, DNA/RNA ...

  • DSS Takara Bio India Pvt Ltd
    based in New Delhi, INDIA

    Takara Bio companies provide kits, reagents, and services that help researchers explore questions about gene discovery, regulation, and function. As a member of the Takara Bio Group, DSS Takara Bio India Private Ltd. is part of a company that holds ...

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