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Radiosurgery Treatment Suppliers & Manufacturers

3 companies found
  • Brainlab AG
    based in Munich, GERMANY

    Brainlab was founded by CEO Stefan Vilsmeier in Munich in 1989. What has become a lifelong quest for innovation in healthcare began as a mouse-controlled, menu-driven surgical planning and navigation software program. Brainlab is first and foremost ...

  • Accuray
    Service provider
    based in Sunnyvale, CALIFORNIA (USA)

    Accuray is expanding radiation therapy: our products can deliver it accurately, precisely and effectively, from oncology to neuro-radiosurgery and beyond. Accuray Incorporated (NASDAQ: ARAY) is a radiation oncology company that develops, ...

  • RTsafe
    based in Athens, GREECE

    RTsafe was founded in 2014 by medical physics professors with considerable experience in the field of radiation oncology, aiming to address the issue of quality assurance in radiotherapy. RTsafe expanded rapidly and established collaborations with ...

    Prime - Methodology - Technology in Radiotherapy

    Prime - Methodology - Technology in Radiotherapy

    It offers comprehensive dosimetry in a true-to life human anatomy phantom for End-to-End evaluation of advanced radiotherapy applications, focusing on stereotactic ...


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