Physiotherapy Suppliers In USA

8 companies found
  • ExoAtlet
    Office in Denver, COLORADO (USA)

    We are architects of the technology-driven ecosystem for ExoRehabilitation in Asia and Europe. We provide recovery devices, i.e. wearable exoskeletons for children and adults, and assistive robotic tools for industry workers and elderly people. We ...

    ExoRehabilitation - Therapy and Physiotherapy Exercise

    ExoRehabilitation - Therapy and Physiotherapy Exercise

    At the core of ExoRehabilitation lies combined application of medical exoskeleton with other methods, such as exercise therapy or physiotherapy. ExoRehabilitation begins in a hospital at the first stage of rehabilitation, after the ...

  • Rex Bionics Ltd
    Office in Boston, MASSACHUSETTS (USA)

    REX is the world's first hands-free, self-supporting Robotic Device for rehabilitation and movement. Rex Bionics designed and developed the REX robotic exoskeleton, the world's first hands-free, self-supporting robotic exoskeleton. Patients are able ...

  • Satisform
    Office in Lewes , County of Sussex, DELAWARE (USA)

    Satisform is a French scientific company specializing in research on degenerative diseases. It designs and manufactures innovative biomechanical equipment for functional rehabilitation, prevention of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), recovery and ...

    Quadrischio - Rehabilitation Device

    Quadrischio - Rehabilitation Device

    The QUADRISCHIO offers a reciprocal stretching of the quadriceps, psoas and hamstrings, as well as a recovery and maintenance of the articular and muscular amplitudes of the hips and knees. This rehabilitation device is used to prevent ...

  • DPE Medical Ltd.
    Office in Las Vegas, NEVADA (USA)

    DPE Medical invents and produces innovative rehabilitation devices focusing on regaining full gait abilities. Learning from personal experience, our mission is to help every men, women and child in their daily struggle for rehabilitation. DPE ...

    Model DST Triple Sense - Full Gait Analysis System

    Model DST Triple Sense - Full Gait Analysis System

    The DST Triple Sense combines all three mandatory gait functions –flat-surface walking, climbing stairs and negotiating slopes, with the most advanced gait analysis technology, providing a comprehensive, evidence-based treatment. It helps ...

  • Medispec
    based in Gaithersburg, MARYLAND (USA)

    Established in 1992, Medispec is a leading medical device manufacturing company. It was created when the founder, CEO Avner Spector, saw an opportunity to raise the quality of life of people around him. Technically trained as a mechanical engineer, ...

    Orthospec - Shockwave Technology for Orthopedic Disorders

    Orthospec - Shockwave Technology for Orthopedic Disorders

    The Orthospec was developed after extensive theoretical expertise and practical experience in the field of shock wave therapy, as one of its masterpieces and one of the most significant devices in the orthopedic field. When other therapies such as ...

  • NEO MD
    Service provider
    Office in Bingham Farms, MICHIGAN (USA)

    NEO MD believes in delivering quality and customized services and ensures in fulfilling your practice needs. As a service-oriented company with a team of experts who has more than 10 years of experience, it’s our vision to expand our resource ...

    Solutions for IT Companies

    Solutions for IT Companies

    NEOMD delivers healthcare software tailored to a variety of medical specialties, including cancer care, cardiology, allergology, physiotherapy, chronic disease management, mental health management, and more. Healthcare software ...

  • Onda Corporation
    based in Sunnyvale, CALIFORNIA (USA)

    ONDA is the global leader in ultrasound measurement instrumentation and services. Our products are used to acoustically test devices in the medical, industrial, and electronic markets. Over 4,000 hydrophones have been used around the world to ...

    Onda - Model RFB-2000 - Radiation Force Balance

    Onda - Model RFB-2000 - Radiation Force Balance

    Designed specifically for easy Ultrasound Power measurements on medical devices, the RFB-2000 requires little maintenance and no complex correction factors, and is compliant with regulatory requirements including AIUM-NEMA UD-2, UD-3, IEC 61161, and ...

  • Adamo Robot
    Office in Miami,, FLORIDA (USA)

    The company Adamo Robot SL was born in 2021 as a spin-off from Future Sense SL, a company created with the aim of developing innovative solutions using robotic technology in the field of physiotherapy. After more than 5 years of research and with ...

    ADAMO - Robotic Medical Device

    ADAMO - Robotic Medical Device

    The world’s first collaborative robot that treats MSDs with compressed air. For Rehabilitation Centers and Hospitals – Clinics or Sport Clubs. ADAMO is a robotic medical device capable of aiding in the diagnosis of back pain injuries and ...


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