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Pacing Lead Suppliers & Manufacturers

4 companies found
  • BioTrace Medical Inc
    based in Menlo Park,, CALIFORNIA (USA)

    BioTrace Medical, Inc., a private venture-backed company based in Menlo Park, California, is dedicated to reinventing temporary pacing to improve patient outcomes and reduce hospital costs. Tempo Temporary Pacing Lead’s unique design – featuring ...

  • OSCOR Inc.
    based in Palm Harbor, FLORIDA (USA)

    OSCOR Inc. designs, develops, manufactures and markets a variety of highly specialized implantable cardiac pacing leads, venous access systems and diagnostic catheters. OSCOR Inc. is also leveraging its proprietary lead technologies toward the ...

  • Intra Special Catheters GmbH
    based in Rehlingen-Siersburg, GERMANY

    For over 40 years intra has experience in the production of special catheters for the most different departments: anaesthesiological wards, intensive care, departments of internal medicine, emergency medical care, paediatry, pneumology, vascular ...

    Intra - Intralektrode Bipolar

    Intra - Intralektrode Bipolar

    Bipolar Semi-Floating pacing lead in 4,5 and 6 French for temporary stimulation of the heart especially in emergency cases of bradycardial arrhythmias or for recording intracardiac ECGs. Intralektrode can be ...

  • Sprite Industries, Inc
    based in Corona, CALIFORNIA (USA)

    Sprite is a 46 year old manufacturer of Water Instruments, Electronic Water Instrumentation, Water Filters and filtration products. In 1987 Sprite introduced the Shower-Mite, a non-carbon shower filter. Since then, Sprite has produced more than 10 ...

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