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Omega-3 Suppliers & Manufacturers

4 companies found
  • BrainMD Health
    based in Irvine, CALIFORNIA (USA)

    At BrainMD Health, we’ve dedicated our careers to helping people feel better by creating the highest quality nutritional products for optimizing and balancing brain health. Backed by decades of experience, our clinical research team incorporates the ...

    BrainMd - Omega-3 Power Softgels

    BrainMd - Omega-3 Power Softgels

    Boost your cognitive function, positive mood, heart and whole body health with BrainMD’s ultra-purified, highly concentrated Omega-3 ...

  • COSA Xentaur - a brand by Process Insights, Inc.
    based in Houston, TEXAS (USA)

    COSA Xentaur is our product line of calorimeters for measuring Wobbe Index, heating value (BTU) and the Combustion Air Requirement Index (CARI), which we manufacture in Houston, TX. We also offer a complete line of dew point meters and ...

  • Shanghai Exquisite Biochemical Co., Ltd
    based in Shanghai, CHINA

    Shanghai Exquisite Biochemical Co., Ltd. established in 2009, we are specializing in production and distribute of Amino acids, Vitamins, Omega 3 and Water Treatments. We set up office in Canada to enhance our distribution channel in 2010; Shanghai ...

  • Northern Divine Aquafarms Ltd.
    based in Sechelt, BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA)

    Northern Divine Caviar is crafted by Northern Divine Aquafarms Ltd., Canada’s only producer of certified organic farmed Fraser River white sturgeon and your natural choice for high quality, eco-friendly, food products. Northern Divine is located in ...

    OceanWise Caviar - Canadian Salt

    OceanWise Caviar - Canadian Salt

    We are recognized as sustainable by OceanWise™ and recommended ‘Green’ BEST CHOICE by SeaChoice & Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch® . Our delicate caviar tastes buttery, nutty with a fresh ocean flavour and touch of ...


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