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Medical Compressor Suppliers & Manufacturers

7 companies found
    based in Ahrensburg, GERMANY

    EKOM is a global company in the production of oil-free compact compressors. Since 1992 compressors are manufactured at the headquarter in the Slovak Republic, which are used both for supplying compressed air from dental units, as well as ...

    EKOM - Model DK50 DE - EASY LOW FLOW - Simple Medical Compressor

    EKOM - Model DK50 DE - EASY LOW FLOW - Simple Medical Compressor

    Medical compressor DK50 DE – EASY LOW FLOW is the source of modern, clean and quiet compressed air for medical devices. The 1 cylinder aggregate is available with compressor ...

  • Vapotherm
    based in Exeter, NEW HAMPSHIRE (USA)

    At Vapotherm, customers and their patients are our total focus. We celebrate our patients every year at a Patient of the Year Celebration, and every day in everything we do. With the best people in the medical device industry employed by us, we are ...

    Vapotherm - Model Q50 - Medical Air Compressor

    Vapotherm - Model Q50 - Medical Air Compressor

    The Q50 Compressor enables delivery of high velocity therapy in all areas of the hospital, even when wall air is not ...

  • Foshan Hongfeng Co.,Ltd.
    based in Foshan, CHINA

    Foshan HongFeng Co., Ltd is the joint venture with famous wheekchair manufacture Guangdong Kaiyang. There are over 200 works in our factory. We have more than 20years of experience in making medical rehabilitate products, specializes in the design ...

    FOFO - MINI Air Compressor Medical Nebulizer Machine

    FOFO - MINI Air Compressor Medical Nebulizer Machine

    The nebulizer should be cleaned after each use and disinfected after every other treatment. Since you are breathing the vapor from the machine, it must be clean. If the machine is not cleaned correctly, bacteria and other germs could grow inside ...

  • Globalcare Medical Ltd.
    based in Hong Kong, CHINA

    Globalcare is a world leader in design and manufacturing of medical devices. Globalcare headquarters are located in Hong Kong. This office supports company shipping and logistics functions around the globe, while the world-class medical ...

    Globalcare - Breast Pumps

    Globalcare - Breast Pumps

    Globalcare is highly specialized in medical devices manufacturing. Compressor Nebulizers Systems, Nebulizers Accessories, Breast Pumps and a full range of other home healthcare devices. ...

  • nice Neotech Medical Systems Pvt. Ltd.
    based in Chennai, INDIA

    nice Neötech Medical Systems Pvt. Ltd., was established in the year 1997 by a first-generation entrepreneur who graduated from the reputed Anna University, College of Engineering Campus, Chennai, India with the dream of creating a change in the ...

  • Ohio Medical Corporation
    based in Gurnee, ILLINOIS (USA)

    Ohio Medical is a global leader of medical air and vacuum pumping systems and medical suction and oxygen therapy devices. Our trusted brands include Ohio Medical and Amvex medical suction regulators, Ohio Medical and Amvex air and oxygen flow ...

    Model (3-10 HP) - Oil Less Rotary Scroll Air Compressors

    Model (3-10 HP) - Oil Less Rotary Scroll Air Compressors

    Ohio Medical oil-less scrolls are well proven compressors for medical, lab, and industrial applications. Both low pressure and high pressure models are available; they can be powered by either 3 ...

  • Microteknik
    based in Haryana, INDIA

    Microteknik was founded in 1967. At its inception the company manufactured many type of pathology and histopathology. In 1973, Microteknik was established as a full fledge Manufacturing unit with a facility for pathology, histopathology, ...

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