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Human Health Improvement Service Providers

5 companies found
  • Vivonics Inc.
    Service provider
    based in Bedford, MASSACHUSETTS (USA)

    The charter of Vivonics is to develop innovative technologies that improve or maintain health, or that optimize the effectiveness of humans in complex systems, from the initial concept through to viable products. Vivonics comprises a core group of ...

  • Quibim
    Service provider
    based in Valencia, SPAIN

    Quibim, with headquarters in Valencia, Spain, is a global leader in whole-body medical imaging analysis. Quibim products are used worldwide by leading research teams. Partners use Quibim Precision®, a whole-body imaging ecosystem, for a wide range ...

  • Xeno Diagnostics, LLC
    Service provider
    based in Indianapolis, INDIANA (USA)

    One of the largest inhibitors to the advancement of translational research is a lack of specific reagents, antibodies, analytes, and support services for those scientists involved in the early stages of research and development using animal models. ...

  • Synthego
    Service provider
    based in Menlo Park,, CALIFORNIA (USA)

    Synthego is a genome engineering company that enables the acceleration of life science research and development in the pursuit of improved human health. Based on a foundation of engineering and chemistry, Synthego leverages automation and machine ...

  • Niracle, LLC.
    Service provider
    based in Newtown, PENNSYLVANIA (USA)

    NiRACLE is an innovative Contract Research Organization (CRO), providing Near Infrared (NIR) method development, Process Analytical Technology (PAT), Quality by Design (QbD), and process validation support to the pharmaceutical industry.NiRACLE’s ...

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