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Electrophysiology Imaging Suppliers & Manufacturers

3 companies found
  • Acutus Medical, Inc.
    based in Carlsbad, CALIFORNIA (USA)

    Acutus Medical, Inc. was founded in 2011 and is based in Carlsbad, CA. Our products are co-developed in the U.S. and Europe utilizing the skills of an exceptional team of medical scientists, biomedical engineers, and other professionals. Acutus ...

    AcQMap - High Resolution Electrophysiology Imaging and Mapping System

    AcQMap - High Resolution Electrophysiology Imaging and Mapping System

    Ultra High Resolution Imaging and Mapping System; Delivers individualized ablation strategies through real-time arrhythmia visualization. Multiple mapping modes in one system: Non-contact, SuperMap and Contact. Open platform ...

  • PhenoSys GmbH
    based in Berlin, GERMANY

    PhenoSys was founded in 2006 and is an R&D company based in the centre of Berlin in Germany. We engineer and market innovative technology for animal behaviour research. Our team draws on extensive expertise of electrical and mechanical engineering, ...

  • AnaBios Corporation
    based in San Diego, CALIFORNIA (USA)

    Everyone at AnaBios shares a passion and commitment to make a difference in the development of promising new therapies and cures for patients by reducing the time and expense needed to bring these medicines to patients. We do this by generating ...

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