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Dose Calibrator Suppliers & Manufacturers

9 companies found
  • Nuviatech Healthcare
    based in Île-de-France, FRANCE

    NUVIA offers a full catalogue of highly reliable instruments which can be tailored on request. Our components are manufactured in our workshops and are the result of our Research and Development processes. From modelling to implementation, NUVIA ...

    NUVIATech Healthcare - Model ISOMED 2010 - Nuclear Dose Calibrator

    NUVIATech Healthcare - Model ISOMED 2010 - Nuclear Dose Calibrator

    NUVIATech healthcare has over 60 years experience developing and assembling high quality dose calibrators, making us one of the most experienced manufacturers in the ...

  • Capintec - Mirion Technologies, Inc
    based in Atlanta, GEORGIA (US) (USA)

    Nuclear Medicine. For over 50 years, Capintec has been recognized as a world leader in the development, manufacturing and marketing of state-of-the-art radiation measuring and monitoring instrumentation. With thousands of instruments in use ...

    Capintec - Model CRC 55tR - Dose Calibrator

    Capintec - Model CRC 55tR - Dose Calibrator

    The new Capintec™ CRC-55tR Dose Calibrator provides the speed and accuracy you need to measure and prepare doses with the reliability and performance you expect from Capintec. The new Capintec ...

  • Maranda Lauzon, Inc.
    based in Laval, QUEBEC (CANADA)

    Maranda Lauzon is a family owned and operated business, specializing in the distribution of products and services in the medical imaging industry for more than 35 years. Throughout the years, we have built a solid reputation for the diversity of our ...

  • Ultraray
    based in Oakville, ONTARIO (CANADA)

    Ultraray Radiation Protection is a world leader in the design, manufacture, and installation of lead Radiation Protection materials, shielding products, technology and equipment. Our in-house experts work on challenging projects across North America ...

    Ultraray - Dose Calibrator Shields

    Ultraray - Dose Calibrator Shields

    Any thickness of lead. Custom designs ...

  • Elysia s.a.
    based in Angleur, BELGIUM

    Elysia is a provider of LIMS, chromatography and quality control systems to the pharmaceutical, agrochemical and nuclear/PET industries. We design, manufacture, sell and service instruments used in radioactivity measurement and quality control. We ...

  • Laboratory Technologies, Inc.
    based in Elburn, ILLINOIS (USA)

    Laboratory Technologies Inc. was established in 1983 as a manufacturer of multi-well gamma counters. We are an American company. All of our products are designed and manufactured in the USA. Over the years, we have worked closely with many leading ...

  • Sensus Healthcare, Inc.
    based in Boca Raton, FLORIDA (USA)

    Sensus Healthcare, Inc. is a medical device company specializing in highly effective, non-invasive, minimally-invasive, and cost-effective treatments for both oncological and non-oncological conditions. The recently introduced Sculptura robotic ...

    Sensus Healthcare - Model SRT-100 VISION - Superficial Radiation Therapy

    Sensus Healthcare - Model SRT-100 VISION - Superficial Radiation Therapy

    Built with all the same great features and remarkable efficacy that distinguish the original SRT-100™, the SRT-100 Vision™ delivers the precise, painless calibrated dose of Superficial Radiation Therapy ...

  • Chemyx Inc
    based in Stafford, TEXAS (USA)

    Chemyx Inc. is a pump manufacturing company that develops and manufactures microsyringe pumps and high-pressure syringe pump systems for R&D and manufacturing applications in biotech, pharmaceutical, chemical, advanced materials, and oil & gas ...

  • Southern Scientific Ltd. - a LabLogic Company
    based in Henfield, UNITED KINGDOM

    Southern Scientific is part of the LabLogic Group. Southern Scientific is a specialist supplier of radiation detection equipment for the Nuclear, Medical, Security, Defence, Industrial & Research sectors. We develop both installed and handheld ...

    Calibrator Shielding

    Calibrator Shielding

    Available in either 40, 50 or 60mm thickness. With or without ...


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