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Defibrillator Accessories Suppliers & Manufacturers

1 companies found
  • Fluke Biomedical
    based in Cleveland, OHIO (USA)

    Fluke Biomedical is the premier, global organization providing test and measurement equipment and services for the healthcare industry. We strive to lead our market segments through ongoing improvement of current offerings and creative solutions to ...

    Fluke - Model Impulse 7000DP - Defibrillator / Pacemaker Tester

    Fluke - Model Impulse 7000DP - Defibrillator / Pacemaker Tester

    Standardize test procedures, capture, and print results with Ansur test-automation software, or use the Impulse 7010 Defibrillator Selectable Load Accessory to ensure IEC 60601-2-4 and AAMI DF80 ...


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