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Bladder Cancer Detection Suppliers & Manufacturers

2 companies found
  • miR Scientific, LLC
    based in New York, NEW YORK (USA)

    miR Scientific, LLC is a healthcare company committed to transforming global cancer management by providing early and highly accurate detection, characterization, and monitoring of disease. The Company has developed the miR Disease Management ...

    Prostate and Bladder Cancer Detection and Classification Technology

    Prostate and Bladder Cancer Detection and Classification Technology

    The science behind miR’s prostate and bladder cancer detection and classification technology that can help give healthcare providers, patients, and payors the greatest confidence in test ...

  • Nucleix Ltd.
    based in San Diego, CALIFORNIA (USA)

    Nucleix is a liquid biopsy company revolutionizing cancer treatment with earlier disease detection, at a time when intervention can bring the greatest impact for patients. Leveraging PCR-based epigenetics, our pioneering testing approach uses ...

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