6 products found

KAF GRUP Products

  • Disinfectant and Antiseptic - Hand & Skin Disinfectants

  • Medical Device Disinfectants - Medical Instrument and Endoscope Disinfectants

  • WanCare - Model Onesept GA - high-level Disinfectant for Medical Instruments and Endoscopes

    WanCare - Model Onesept GA - high-level Disinfectant for Medical Instruments and Endoscopes

    Used to provide high-level disinfection of all kinds of invasive surgical instruments, dental surgical instruments, surgical laparoscopy instruments, flexible and rigid endoscopes. It does not cause any damage such as rust, corrosion, softening of the endoscope covers, color change. Compatible with Glass, Polystyrene, PVC, Acrylic, Polycarbon, Ceramic, Plastic, Polymer, Plastic, Silicone, HDPE, Stainless steel and Porcelain ...

  • Medical

  • WanCare - Model Onegel - Lubricant Gel With Lidocain

    WanCare - Model Onegel - Lubricant Gel With Lidocain

    ONEGEL is a sterile, water-soluble lubricating gel used to lubricate catheters and other medical devices during urethral, colon and rectal applications such as urethral catheterization, endoscopy and cystoscopy. It can be also used for rectal and colonic applications as a lubricant gel. The most important function of the gel is to form a lubricating layer between the catheter or other medical device and the urethral, rectal and colonic ...

  • WanCare - Model Onecare - Oral Care Set

    WanCare - Model Onecare - Oral Care Set

    It ensures that the microorganisms within the mouth are cleaned thanks to its special contents. It consists of 20 swabs, 50 ml solution, 2 grams moisturizing gel and one measurement container used for mouthcare of bedridden and intensive care patients. A suffcient amount of mouthwash solution is put into the measuring cup inside the box. The swab is put into the container and the whole mouth, gingiva and tongue are cleaned. Afterwards, moisturizer is put ...

  • Patient Body Care Products - Onecare Incontinence Care Products

  • WanCare - Model Onecare - Barrier Cream Incontitence Wipes

    WanCare - Model Onecare - Barrier Cream Incontitence Wipes

    Usage Areas: Barrier Cream Incontinence Wipes makes a barrier protective layer to protect skin of patients from external factors with special needs, limited mobility, recumbent and intensive care patients. Provides complex body care for such patients who cannot ...