5 products found
JenaSurgical | Asclepion Laser Technologies GmbH Products
JenaSurgical - Model MultiPulse HoPLUS - High Power Holmium Laser Device
MultiPulse HoPLUS is a high power holmium laser device characterized by great flexibility and efficiency, which is a must in centers of excellence in Endourology.Fast, reliable and effective, MultiPulse HoPLUS provides unmatched precision and safety during all phases of surgery. Ideal for both surgical treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) ...
JenaSurgical - Model MultiPulse Tm+1470 - Thulium Laser
JenaSurgical introduces the last generation thulium laser MultiPulse Tm+1470, unmatched in terms of efficiency, accuracy and safety in multiple surgical application fields. MultiPulse Tm+1470 is the only system that combines a 1,940 nm Thulium laser with a 1,470 nm Raman module (maximum ...
JenaSurgical - Model MultiCut Solo - Morcellation System
A morcellation system with very high efficiency: The MultiCut Solo is the first stand-alone morcellation system by JenaSurgical. It can be used to complete the set of instruments of an edourologist who is using a laser system without an integrated morcellator, even if it is not a system by JenaSurgical. Due to its independence of any other system, the urologist obtains a ...
JenaSurgical - Model MultiPulse Ho - Surgical Holmium Laser
MultiPulse Ho is a surgical holmium laser dedicated to applications in endourology with a max power of 35 W. MultiPulse Ho is the go-to device for endosurgical lithotripsy for the treatment of urinary tract stones (in ureteroscopy, ureterorenoscopy and for the percutaneous ...
JenaSurgical - Model QuadroStarPRO - Tabletop Diode Laser System
QuadroStarPRO is the tabletop Diode laser system with a compact and ergonomic design, dedicated to phlebology and endovascular laser treatments, but also successfully used for a wider range of endosurgical applications thanks to its versatility.Available in two different wavelength (980 or 940 nm), the diode works in ...