9 products found
Innomed Medical Inc. Products
Cardiology Products - ECG Devices
HeartScreen - Model 80G-L1 - Compact Mobile ECG Clinical Device
According to its knowledge, this is the most compact mobile ECG on the market. It has the same features like the clinical devices, and it can be upgraded to a true 12 channel ECG workstation when connected to a personal ...
HeartScreen - Model 112 C-1 - Diagnostic ECG Device
True 12 channel ECG displaying and recording in clinical quality. Due to it’s built in high capacity rechargeable battery; the device is able to make cardiological measurements for a longer period without being plugged ...
HeartScreen - Model 210 - 12 Channel ECG Diagnosis Device
User-friendly, 12 channel ECG device, with a clinical resolution display that can examine all the leads at the same time. If it is necessary, the built in extremely wide printer can be used, where the physician can record all the ECG diagnosis in a very clear ...
Innomed - Model CardioPC/E - Precise Signal Evaluation System
This very precise signal evaluation system is able to show the measured parameters in real time mode for all the 12 leads during the whole stress test procedure. The system can be used with several types of ergometers or treadmills, and blood pressure monitors that are controlled automatically. It can store all the ECG curves acquired during the whole stress test period for later ...
Cardiology Products - Defibrillators
Cardio-Aid - Model 360-B - Biphasic Clinical Defibrillator
Fully featured clinical defibrillator, which is suitable to supply emergency and therapeutical cases in the patient care. With it’s built in AED function, even the nurses can save lives. Optionally, it can be used also for patient care functions giving a great help in observing and registering vital signs after ...
Cardiology Products - Patient Monitors
Innocare - Model T12 Plus - General Purpose Patient Monitor
A general purpose monitor suitable for bedside or mobile application as well. The device has built-in conventional measuring channels to ensure compactness, and it also has upgrade possibility to support individual requirements by attachable different measuring ...
Innocare - Model T17 Plus - Patient Monitor
Due to its huge display size, this monitor is really useful for bedside usage. It is expandable with more measuring modules and has a multifunctional unit too, with the possibility of the conventional measuring channels. At the same time this small unit is able to record vital signs during patient transport inside the ...
Radiology Products - Wardroom Equipment
Innomed - Model MRX-TEL NG II - Digital Remote Controlled Radiographic And Fluoroscopy X-Ray System
MRX-TEL NG II digital remote controlled radiographic and fluoroscopy X-ray system with digital tomosynthesis option. „All in one” system, suitable for general radiography, fluoroscopy, conventional chest imaging, barium swallow, gastroenterology examinations and also for foreign body and contrast agents studies. With the DTS option, the precise coordination and detector movement makes low dose sequential image creation possible. With the help ...
Radiology Products - Mobile X-Ray
Visaris - Model Vision M - Mobile X-Ray System
Vision M is a modern, highly portable digital X-ray system, that brings digital imaging right next to patients, whether it be in the ICU, hospital ward or a patient’s home. Thanks to its flexibility, it is also excellent for the quick examination of Covid-19 ...