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Gyn Surgical Solutions Products
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Hologic Acessa - Model Lap-RFA - Laparoscopic Radiofrequency Ablation
The Acessa procedure is a minimally invasive, outpatient treatment that involves two small abdominal incisions. It uses controlled radiofrequency energy, heat, to cause coagulative necrosis of the fibroid tissue. The treated tissue softens and shrinks over time, allowing fibroid symptoms to resolve with no suturing of the uterine tissue. Unlike many alternative interventions, the Acessa procedure optimizes imaging of the uterus by simultaneously ...
Hologic Aptima - HPV Assays
Hologic has remained an unwavering advocate for women’s health for more than two decades. Our goals as a company are intrinsically tied to changes in best-practices for women’s health, applying the latest findings in diagnostic medicine to the development of new products and technologies in response to the emergence of new discoveries in ...
Panther Fusion - MRSA Assay
The Panther Fusion MRSA assay† is designed for the qualitative detection and differentiation of Staphylococcus aureus (SA) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) DNA from nasal swabs in patients at risk for nasal colonization. It is intended to aid in the prevention and control of SA and MRSA infections in ...