GMS is an italian company and it is a manufacturer of medical radiology equipment since 1970. Was born from the union of engineers and specialized technicians to make advanced machines in diagnostic imaging. GMS today, in internal market, has in operation over 100 Digital X-ray systems with the latest generation of flat panels.

Company details

Via delle Fontane, 3 , Boffalora d’Adda LO , 26811 Italy
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Business Type:
Industry Type:
Medical Equipment
Market Focus:
Internationally (various countries)

Thanks to the award of the previous CONSIP tender, only in the Public Administration, GMS has installed 49 of them, in the different configurations:

  • DR Version : standard Digital X-Ray System.
  • PF1 Version: like DR but with table positioning from state to normal working, outside the field, use in combination with any mobile table/stretcher.
  • PF2 Version: like PF1 but with folding table and motorized ceiling stand synchronized with the movements of the detector.

Our goal today is Customer satisfaction.

For this reason, GMS has created an important network of C-SAT (Technical Assistance Centers), one for italian region, at last. This will allow us to resolve problems faster and, therefore, a better service.

Our products are developed to be up-graded, at any time, by our customer, without having to change the system.

Our research and development service, as well as strategic marketing, are looking for the most advantageous and innovative solutions for our Customer. The new digital X-Ray System is in coming. It will be ready by the end of the year; PF2+ is the new model) that will start the new GMS season. Instead, a Digital series of new potabile and mobile Xray machine, is in coming soon.

Today GMS is a Group composed by two different companies: