2 services found
Ferno-Washington, Inc. Services
Service & Support
Make sure you’re taking care of your Ferno equipment to ensure it’s functioning at peak performance. Our Cot Care and EMSAR Support are here to help. Over time, equipment should have regular maintenance and repairs to ensure it can meet your demands. Cot Care programs provide repairs and maintenance training, so you will have the knowledge if a problem arises. Additionally, EMSAR can provide factory authorized service and repairs of your equipment.
Ferno - EMSAR Support Services
Trust EMSAR for Your EMT Equipment Servicing. FERNO has established a partnership with EMSAR (Equipment Management Service and Repair), an independent service organization dedicated to providing high-quality ambulance equipment service and repair. Preventative maintenance, equipment management, and repair services are available nationwide through EMSAR, FERNO’s authorized service provider. With three service plans available, EMSAR offers flexible ...
Cot Care - Training, Repair & Maintenance Programs
Cot Care Training Programs FERNO's Cot Care is a hands-on training program designed to assist agencies with servicing your Ferno cots, stair chairs, and fasteners. Conducted at the Ferno facilities in Wilmington, Ohio, or on site at your agency, the Cot Care Program instructs your staff on performing Ferno equipment service for your ...