Ferno-Washington, Inc.

Ferno-Washington, Inc.

2 products found

Ferno-Washington, Inc. Products

  • Emergency - Splinting

    SPINAL IMMOBILIZATION, EXTRICATION, AND SPLINTS ARE ESSENTIAL TOOLS TO HAVE ON BOARD. Movement of patients with a fracture or suspected fracture creates a painful situation for those in our care. FERNO splinting solutions reduce patient movement and provide support throughout the patient handling process.

  • FERNO - Model SPED II - Spinal Protection Extrication Device

    FERNO - Model SPED II - Spinal Protection Extrication Device

    Low friction material provides easier application between patient and seat. Color-coded strapping system of buckles and straps, stored within the device, ensures easy deployment by avoiding tangling of loose straps. Vacuum immobilization technology enables the device to become rigid within seconds, molding to the patient's body. Integral spinal stiffening ribs gives maximum support during extrication. Integrated head immobilization provides superior ...

  • FERNOTrac - Model 441, 443, 444 - Traction Splints

    FERNOTrac - Model 441, 443, 444 - Traction Splints

    Provide in-line mechanical traction. Relieves pain and reduces the possibility of further vascular and nerve damage. Simple, adjustable, wrap-around ankle hitch designed to allow medics to check pedal pulses. Low-profile ischial pad permits splint to be applied with minimum movement of the patient's leg. Heel stand folds flat for storage and instantly locks into place for support of the injured ...