


Spill Control and Drain Protection can be dirty jobs. That’s why EnviroMet has our own Mrs. Clean to help you with all the Absorbents, Spill Containment, and drain protection products you need. Need to know how to clean up an oil spill? Check out our oil absorbents. How about chemical spills? Our spill containment pallets and overpack salvage drums will make your clean up easier. Are you protecting your drains from pollutants? Our catch basin inserts are a perfect fit. And be prepared for bio-hazard spills with our body fluid spill kits. From Spill Kits to Absorbents to Drain Protectors, “We’ve Got It!” Mrs. Clean and her team are here to help you. Call us and we’ll get you set up with just the solution you need.

Company details

1200 W 8th St. , Vancouver , Washington 98660 USA
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Business Type:
Industry Type:
Oil Spills
Market Focus:
Globally (various continents)
Year Founded:
$1,000,000 US - $10,000,000 US

This company also provides solutions for other industrial applications.
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