EchoNous, Inc.

EchoNous, Inc.

6 products found

EchoNous, Inc. Products

  • EchoNous Vein - Ultrasound-Based Vein Tool

    EchoNous Vein - Ultrasound-Based Vein Tool

    When you have an adult anxiously fidgeting remembering past multiple sticks or a baby crying and wiggling, finding the right vein can be challenging. EchoNous Vein is specifically designed to quickly find and assess veins to help you get the job of placing an IV ...

  • EchoNous - bladder Tool

    EchoNous - bladder Tool

    A highly reliable, all-electronic, non-mechanical bladder tool designed to improve durability. EchoNous Bladder brings together data-rich fanning, a state-of-the-art AI algorithm using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and a rugged probe design to help nurses quickly determine bladder volume of patients even pregnant and post-partum ...

  • Kosmos

  • Kosmos - Model Torso - Clinical Tool

    Kosmos - Model Torso - Clinical Tool

    Truly see and hear your patients for the first time. Torso provides real-time synchronization of three signals — a stethoscope, ECG, and ultrasound — all in one, easy to use ...