Day Zero Diagnostics Inc.

Day Zero Diagnostics Inc.

4 services found

Day Zero Diagnostics Inc. Services

  • Rapid Outbreak Detection Service

    Rapid Outbreak Detection Service

    Day Zero Diagnostics introduces the precision and clarity of whole genome sequencing to outbreak investigations with epiXact® (pronounced epi-zact). Sequencing and analysis using single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) comparisons of the whole genome. Superior resolution to traditional techniques such as molecular strain typing or PFGE. Definitive determination of pathogen relatedness in less than 2 days. Gives you the confidence to act quickly when an ...

  • Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIS) Services

    Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIS) Services

    Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are a widespread challenge for patient care, annually affecting 4% of hospitalized patients in the U.S. and resulting in 99,000 patient deaths per year. The rising prevalence of multi-drug resistant organisms (MDROs) has made HAIs particularly dangerous, increasing the pressure for rapid, effective interventions when an outbreak is ...

  • Current Treatment Services

    Current Treatment Services

    Minimizing the Time to Effective Antibiotic Administration is Critical; Antibiotics are critical tools for fighting life-threatening bacterial infections, but the speed with which the patient is provided the appropriate antibiotic can be the difference between life and death. For example, the risk of death from septic shock increases by almost 8% for each hour an infection goes without appropriate ...

  • Antibiotic Resistance Services

    Antibiotic Resistance Services

    Antibiotic resistance is an escalating global crisis, where the spread of drug resistance is outpacing the development of new ...