CSL Seqirus UK Limited

CSL Seqirus UK Limited

9 Articles found

CSL Seqirus UK Limited Articles

  • Employee Spotlight: Vincent “D” Ming

    Meet D, one of CSL Seqirus’ Senior Regional Account Managers by day and international lacrosse coach by night. His network of health care system accounts across Northern Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico know him as D, their Senior ...

    Eric Monticell

  • What’s Top of Mind for Flu Researchers?

    Infectious diseases like influenza can be threats to public health and our economy. At the OPTIONS XI for the Control of Influenza conference, leading influenza vaccines provider CSL Seqirus, joined academic, government, research and industry ...

    Eric Monticello

  • Education’s Role in Fighting Infectious Diseases

    Misinformation can have a profound impact on public health, experts say that education might be the key to combating it. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), immunization saves millions of lives each year. But given that many are ...

    Eric Monticello

  • Flu Fighting Tips for Back to School

    School is back in session, here’s what you need to know to help keep your family protected from flu. Influenza can be a real burden. It can spread rapidly between children and their families to have a significant impact on quality ...

    Eric Monticello

  • Flu is Making a Resurgence

    In 2022, flu cases in Australia have spiked earlier and with more cases this season than the previous five for the same time period. Experts discuss global implications of the surge. “Influenza is definitely back in the Southern ...

  • The Art and Science of Shipping Flu Vaccines

    CSL Seqirus delivered a record 135 million doses of flu vaccines globally last year, here’s how we make such a feat happen. Influenza vaccine manufacturing is an intricate and complex process that culminates in the summer months, when ...

  • Walk with Tab for Heart Health

    Tab Lassiter – an employee of global vaccines leader CSL Seqirus – is about to receive a second transplant in an ongoing battle with a heart condition. He shares his story to explain why it’s critical to spread the word about heart ...

    Eric Monticello

  • Influenza Vaccination: Our Best Tool for Safeguarding Communities from Influenza

    Why we can’t overlook influenza in the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. In many parts of the world, public health authorities are lifting social distancing, mask wearing and other COVID-19 mitigation measures in response to ...

    Eric Monticello

  • The Network that Makes Seasonal Flu Vaccines Possible

    Influenza is constantly mutating. 70 years ago, the World Health Organization set up a surveillance network to protect people from its threat. Making influenza vaccines that can help protect against viruses that threaten human health ...

    Eric Monticello