Ceutical Labs

Ceutical Labs

Ceutical Labs

Ceutical Laboratories has an evolving quality system to meet the ever-changing demands of the regulatory environment for pharmaceuticals, medical devices, nutraceuticals, cosmetic industries, veterinary markets, otc and dietary supplements. Ceutical Laboratories focuses on the small to medium sized supplier and manufacturer to retain and grow in this highly regulated market. As one FDA official stated to a client, “We are in the business to put you out of business. You can not compete with other companies and spend the dollars necessary to have a quality system that meets our expectations. I am here to ensure that you will not be in business for very much longer.” Our mission is to provide timely, accurate, and trusted business solutions to our customers within the highly regulated environment of pharmaceuticals, medical devices, nutraceuticals, and cosmetic products.

Company details

1500 Lakeside Parkway, Suite 100A , Flower Mound , Texas 75028 USA
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Business Type:
Industry Type:
Medical Equipment
Market Focus:
Globally (various continents)

There are many things that go into choosing a business partner. Our expertise, track record, and customer service all play a roll. There are also some less tangible elements in the decision as well. In the end, they are the most important ones. Trust, integrity, and honesty. These qualities may be lost on many in this ever-changing market, but not on us. They are at the heart of who we are and how we do business. We’ll do our best to meet and exceed your expectations. Strong relationships are what successful businesses are built upon, and we look forward to earning your trust as we build a relationship with you. At Ceutical Labs, our goal is to help you succeed. We’re guessing that’s high on your list as well. Listed below are some links to help you learn more about who we are and how we do business.
Mission Statement

These business solutions include all aspects of products produced in these marketplaces from just after concept to sales, marketing, and distribution.Ceutical Laboratories can provide solutions for individuals and companies to take a product idea and place it into a competitive position within the marketplace. These individuals and companies can continue to deliver product ideas and reap the benefits of their ideas. Ceutical Laboratories provides competitive solutions to product development, clinical evaluation and regulatory submission in both domestic and abroad markets, on-line technology, computer aided systems, sales, marketing, and distribution. We work with suppliers and manufacturers to deliver high quality products to large distributors at competitive prices. Ceutical Laboratories is well positioned in the market through key contacts within major networks to provide goods and services to these markets.Our consortium of companies provides a network of suppliers for components and raw materials, manufacturers, and distributors. This network is unlike any other on the market, except for the large corporations. Our network establishes this large corporate appeal, but maintains the smaller manufacturer identity.

Our philosophy is to ensure your success through our efforts. We will not stop until we find the best solution to your needs. We are not the typical “you can’t do that”, but rather, when faced with a problem, we are the “you can do that this way”. You achieve the same goal, but not the same method that may have been requested initially. We pride ourselves in finding compliant and easy solutions to the most difficult of tasks.

Allow us to be your choice for your needs. Let us do all the hard work so that you can focus on what you do best.

Ceutical Laboratories, Inc. has made a bold move in becoming a single source location for many manufacturers in the pharmaceutical, medical device, nutraceutical, cosmetic industries, veterinary markets, otc and dietary supplements. Ceutical Laboratories was conceived with the goal of helping companies implement a global quality standard so that they could increase their overall business in these markets. However, one clear position came to the forefront.

This position is that smaller and medium sized manufacturers were being driven out of business through increased regulation, high cost of maintaining the regulation, and the inability to compete against the larger manufacturing institutions. These larger institutions gained the benefits of lower cost goods, higher volume sales, and more shelf space for their products. In turn, the smaller companies were manufacturing higher quality goods, establishing more effective products, and seeing that their products had fewer sales due to their overall higher cost.

Ceutical Laboratories has expertise in product development, manufacturing, engineering, computer system technology, on-line technology, sales, marketing, project management, analytical testing, recruiting, regulatory strategy, regulatory submissions, and quality system management. The marketplace for these services has been, and will remain, in pharmaceuticals, medical devices, nutraceuticals, veterinary, and cosmetic products. Each of these areas of expertise have individuals with over 20 years of expertise and experience.

Ceutical Laboratories is an innovative company with high goals and aspirations. We seek progressive companies that are willing to move toward the next level and significantly increase their profits and potential. We offer consistent products and services to a growing industry to meet your needs. Our team is capable of meeting the demands of these industries now and in the future.

Our experience has come from small, medium, and large scale businesses. We offer all of that knowledge to the relative few but very successful companies that will become Ceutical Certified.