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Medical Industry Engineering Service Providers

3 companies found
  • Industrial Noise and Vibration Centre
    Engineering service provider
    based in Slough, UNITED KINGDOM

    This client comment sums up what we do. We are an award winning engineering consultancy that solves noise and vibration problems using elegant engineering techniques. This in a field dominated by acousticians and academics who measure (although we ...

  • Environmental and Engineering Solutions, Inc.
    Engineering service provider
    based in Wyncote, PENNSYLVANIA (USA)

    Environmental and Engineering Solutions, Inc. (EES) is proud to offer you a full range of environmental, health and safety (EHS) consulting, and environmental engineering services. Our EES team is highly regarded for its diverse and relevant skills. ...

    Engineering service provider
    based in São Paulo, BRAZIL

    H2O with its more than 40 years of experience active in engineering and consulting in water and wastewater treatment for industries and communities. Ing. Ademar Cesar M. Ferreira has more than 35 years of experience in Operation, Implantation, ...

    Commissioning (Pre-Operation) Management

    Commissioning (Pre-Operation) Management

    The commissioning or pre-operation of water treatment systems and sewage is one of the most important stages in setting up an ...


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