6 News & Press Releases found
Aurora Healthcare US Corp. News
Rock Orient Foundation Inc., an affiliated organization with Rockefeller Foundation and Aurora Technology and Healthcare Global Holding Corp (Aurora) to collaborate on building a sustainable and replicable healthcare eco-system globally to address acute h
Rock Orient Foundation Inc., an affiliated organization with Rockefeller Foundation and Aurora Technology and Healthcare Global Holding Corp (Aurora) to collaborate on building a sustainable and replicable healthcare eco-system globally to address ...
Aurora Technology and Healthcare Global Holdings enters the 2nd most populous continent through a collaboration with the Federal Republic of Nigeria to transform breast cancer care in Africa
Aurora Technology and Healthcare Global Holdings enters the 2nd most populous continent through a collaboration with the Federal Republic of Nigeria to transform breast cancer care in Africa New York, Abuja, Boston: Representatives of the ...
Building comprehensive breast cancer care eco-system for the wellness of cancer patients and their families by joint efforts of Beijing Love Book Cancer Foundation (LBCF) and Aurora
Beijing Love Book Cancer Foundation and Aurora Healthcare US Corp are pleased to announce their partnership to build a comprehensive breast cancer care eco-system for the wellness of women, breast cancer patients and their families. High ...
Dignity Health International Pacific Linkage Ltd. (DHI Pacific) and Aurora to collaborate on building comprehensive cancer centers to include patient centered and precision breast cancer care
HONG KONG, China and Danvers, Massachusetts U.S.A. - Dignity Health International Pacific Linkage Ltd. (DHI Pacific) and Aurora Healthcare US Corp (Aurora) are pleased to announce the signing of a landmark collaboration memorandum that leverages ...
The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Aurora Medical Technology Hong Kong to collaborate on breast cancer research program
Aurora Medical Technology Hong Kong (Aurora-HK) and The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) are pleased to announce the completion of a landmark collaboration agreement leveraging the shared interests and diverse expertise of the two entities. ...
Aurora Mobile
Since 2010, Aurora has successfully rolled out the dedicated breast MRI mobile service in the US. The US breast MRI mobile units are joint efforts between Aurora and US medical mobile makers such as OSHKOSH, Ellis & Watts and SMIT. In ...