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Akrotome Imaging, Inc. News
Akrotome Co-Founder Makes International Presentations
Akrotome Co-Founder, Dr. Jim Basilion, traveled to Europe to make invited presentations in November, 2018. Dr. Basilion delivered papers focused on the use of molecular probes for guided, precision surgery to the European Society of Molecular ...
Akrotome CEO Joins NCI Bridge Award Review Team
Akrotome CEO accepts invitation to be a reviewer for NCI Bridge Award applications. Dr. Brian Straight, President and CEO of Akrotome, has accepted an invitation to be a reviewer for the National Cancer Institute’s Bridge Award Program, which ...
Introducing FIRE!
Akrotome Imaging announces the launch of its FIRE probe technology. FIRE (Fluorescent Image Resection Enhancement) is a family for quenched, activity-based (QAB) and quenched substrate-based (QSB) probes with ...
Akrotome Co-Founder attends workshop in Washington DC
Akrotome Co-Founder Dr. James Basilion attended the World Molecular Imaging Congress/National Cancer Institute workshop in Washington DC. The workshop included participants from FDA and the Centers for ...
Akrotome has been awarded $1.77M by The National Cancer Institute
Akrotome receives grant for the commercialization of a topical probe for margin determination in skin cancers Akrotome Imaging has received a $1.77M SBIR Phase II grant to assist in the clinical translation of its FIRE™ ...