Acime Frame

Acime Frame

2 products found

Acime Frame Products

  • Patient Transfer

  • Skot Fluoroscopy

    Skot Fluoroscopy

    ERGONOMICS: The U-shaped frame is specially designed to facilitate fluoroscopy in the emergency room or operating theatre. PATIENT COMFORT: For optimum comfort when handling the top plate of the stretcher forwards and backwards, the movement (approx. 500 mm) is made on a rail with bearings. HYGIENE: One-piece mattress without Velcro with anti-seepage system and HPL (High Pressure Laminate) lying surface for easy cleaning. MANAGEABILITY: The stretcher is ...

  • Ambu Packot Line

    Ambu Packot Line

    ERGONOMICS: Highly adaptable for patient comfort and very manoeuvrable for transfer or outpatient surgery. PATIENT COMFORT: Mattress with bi-elastic covering 100 mm thick on a suspended seat. HYGIENE: One-piece mattress, removable and easy to clean. MANAGEABILITY: The chair has centralised braking and push handles making it as manoeuvrable as a ...