For manufacturers of chemicals – which can be broadly defined as anything from specialty chemicals to lubricants, plastics and food contact to cosmetics and more - changing market dynamics dictate the need for flexibility in meeting customers` complex requirements for high performance sustainable products and improving supply chain performance. Delivering quality products in record time is critical, as are optimizing business processes across your enterprise and global supply chain.
Few industries face the mounting challenges and scrutiny of expanding environmental compliance requirements, ecological mandates, consumer expectations and NGO watch groups as much as electronics and medical device manufacturers. Even before the Sony PlayStation cadmium crisis, the entire supply chain has been inundated by an ever-expanding myriad of legislation, ranging from the EU Directives on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), the restriction of hazardous substances (
Providing high quality patient care gets tougher all the time, thanks to increasing cost pressures and an ever-changing compliance landscape. Verisk 3E`s powerful suite of outsourced services can be tailored to assist any healthcare organization in maintaining compliance and improving EHS performance. Our services have been proven to deliver cost savings for satisfied healthcare companies across the globe.
Few industries are regulated as heavily as the pharmaceutical industry. Bringing a new product to market can take years and requires monumental effort. 3E Company stands ready with a comprehensive suite of products and services that can create efficiencies, support product stewardship, mitigate supply chain risk and improve compliance - ultimately shortening the time to get a product on the market.