RTsafe’s core role for the development of German guidelines for a standard, safe and efficient implementation of Single-Isocentric Multi-Focal SRS throughout the country
RTsafe is happy to announce that its PRIME and Pseudopatient 3D phantoms, have been selected by a consortium of high-end German Radiotherapy Institutions – led by the Division of Medical Physics of the Department of Radiation Oncology at the Medical Center of University of Freiburg – towards supporting a study whose results will be used for the development of national guidelines in Germany for a safe and efficient implementation of Single Isocentric – Multi Focal SRS (SIMF SRS). The study is funded by the German Cancer Aid (Deutsche Krebshilfe).
SIMF SRS is probably the most complex radiotherapy technique. It allows precise and time efficient treatment of patients with multiple brain metastasis (20%-40% of all cancer patients will develop brain metastasis). Whilst more complex treatments usually translate to more targeted treatments, at the same time they require more complex planning and End-to-End Quality Assurance. Researchers throughout numerous radiotherapy institutions in Germany will evaluate independently all sources of errors in SIMF SRS through an End-to-End manner using RTsafe’s PRIME and PseudoPatient 3D phantoms. These, are 3D-printed head phantoms, based on real patient’s CT data using bone and soft tissue-equivalent materials, that are treated as real patients. The applied radiation dose will be measured using 3D polymer gel dosimetry and magnetic resonance imaging.
This study aims to determine for the first time, precisely, how the location, size, and number of targets affect the accuracy (spatial and dosimetric) of treatment delivery. All the above will be followed by corresponding measurements in many radiotherapy centers across Germany to examine the differences between the protocols currently used in treatment planning and delivery for this radiation technique. Based on the study outcome, general guidelines in Germany for individualized patient treatment delivery QA and machine QA for an overall safe and efficient treatment will be developed.
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