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Patient Transport Articles & Analysis

7 articles found
  • US armed forces medical operations other than war

    Expertise in combat healthcare planning, operations and technology translates well into domestic and international humanitarian health relief. The US military medical services have extensive daily activities in public health and medicine that are integrated with civilian organisations, and are related to health research, prevention of disease and healthcare rather than to combat operations. These ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • PTR Robots meet public demands and strengthen care solutions - Case Study

    The development of PTR Robots Hospitals spend a lot of resources on conventional patient handling procedures which led Project University Hospital Køge to look for more efficient and flexible alternatives, that would benefit both patient and caregiver and integrate rehabilitation in the daily care routines. The purpose was also to create one solution that fits all situations to avoid ...

  • Improving Clinical Practice Can Benefit Staff and Patients - Case Study

    Background A 16 y/o male with a history of irritable bowel disease presents to the Emergency Department vomiting blood. He has an ostomy in place. His initial vital signs were BP 82/59, HR 160, SI 1.95. He was ill-appearing, with skin gray and ashen. The staff placed a 20-gauge peripheral IV and infused a 1-liter NS bolus using the LifeFlow PLUS and the QinFlow Warrior blood and fluid warmer. ...

    By 410 Medical

  • 6 Tips for Avoiding Pressure Ulcers in Healthcare Facilities

    A silent but serious condition is impacting healthcare facilities around the world, taking a serious toll not only on patient safety but hospital revenue and operating costs, too. Although it’s not contagious, this condition afflicts 2.5 million patients each year, resulting in 60,000 deaths annually in the United States alone1. On top of that, it costs the U.S. health system an estimated ...

    By EarlySense

  • UWB and RTLS – The Ideal Marriage of Technology

    In an era where time is money for most businesses, RTLS can be a game changer. Real-time location systems (RTLS) enable a user to track the location of physical assets or people using either radio frequencies or global positioning systems (GPS)/global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). This helps businesses and organizations know where their important assets are accurately and in ...

    By FiRa Consortium, Inc.

  • Reduce Readmissions with Analytics & CDC Antibiotic Resistance Program - Case Study

    This case study discusses hospital readmissions and provides healthcare professionals with recommended medical algorithms in the form of scores, models, and calculators that can aid in reducing readmissions, especially when related to antibiotic resistant microbiological pathogens. When health analytics, such as the CDC antibiotic resistance program and other algorithms are integrated into ...

  • A Contemporary Review of ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction: Pathophysiology, treatment options and hot topics

    Pathophysiology, treatment options and hot topics Improvements In Stemi Treatment The immediate and long-term prognosis of patients experiencing an ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) has changed dramatically since the introduction of coronary reperfusion therapies during primary percutaneous coronary intervention (pPCI). The evolution of these therapies accelerated with the ...

    By Miracor Medical SA

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