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Operating Room Articles & Analysis

47 articles found
  • Managing healthcare technology in quality management framework

    Healthcare services available these days deploy high technology to satisfy both internal and external customers by continuously improving various quality parameters. Quality improvement in healthcare services is a complex and multidimensional task. Although various quality management tools are routinely deployed for identifying quality issues in healthcare delivery, there is absence of an ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Air Quality in Operating Rooms and Surgical Suites

    How to Achieve Good Indoor Air Quality in Operating Rooms There are two primary objectives in achieving acceptable air quality in the operating room: (1) control of anesthetic gases for the benefit of operating room staff, and (2) infection control for the benefit of the patient. Control of Anesthetic Gases Supply and scavenging systems, as well as general ventilation in Operating Rooms and ...

    By PHASE Associates, LLC

  • 5 Tips for Unlocking Potential & Reducing Chaos in Your OR - draft

    Caresyntax interviewed Misti Mattox, Service Line Administrator at Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare in Florida. Mattox was one of the early adopters of operating room (OR) data and cohort analysis to gain valuable insights to improve performance. In this blog, Mattox shares five tips for OR managers who want to leverage data to gain important insights into improving efficiency and ...

    By Caresyntax

  • LUMINELLE® DTx System: A Proven Solution for In-Office Hysteroscopy Procedures

    An increasing number of GYN practices are moving certain surgical procedures into their office, including hysteroscopy and cystoscopy. However, the decision to move them from the operating room into the office requires a thorough examination of several key factors. The most challenging of those include the following: Uncertainty surrounding the development and implementation of anesthesia ...


  • How CoapTech turned a feeding tube innovation into a company

    With CoapTech (, Steven Tropello and Howard Carolan are working on new technology for replacing patients' feeding tubes. The approach, called Percutaneous Ultrasound Gastrostomy, or PUG, utilizes a device with magnets that doctors can use to guide a feeding tube into place. It also features an ultrasound that allows doctors to see what is happening inside the body ...

    By CoapTech

  • The Pierre Oudot Hospital Center provides health care for a territory of 310,000 inhabitants in 158 municipalities. The Hospital is part of the Nord Dauphiné Hospital Group.

    The challenge The Pierre Oudot Hospital was constructed in 2011 and took up the challenge of building a “full digital” establishment to meet the requirements of a connected and communicating hospital. By implementing the PACS and phasing out radiological films, the hospital has created the conditions for the multimedia environment in the operating room. All the rooms are ...

    By ISIS S.A.S

  • HYSTEROSCOPY: Bringing Procedures into the Office

    Today, nearly 75% of hysteroscopy procedures in the United States are performed in hospital operating rooms or in ambulatory care centers. This raises the question of “why?”. Why is it that so many physicians are choosing to forego the convenience that in-office hysteroscopy procedures offer to patients and providers alike, especially when similar procedures—such as cystoscopy ...


  • Operating Room - UVC lights provide infection control, green benefits

    Muskogee Community Hospital (Muskogee, OK) is using germicidal UVC (ultraviolet C) Emitters™ from Steril-Aire as part of an innovative infection control measure. The devices were installed in the air handling units and in custom-designed, ceilingmounted units in the surgical and procedural suites, marking the first time a hospital has used UVC technology in this way. Steril-Aire devices ...

    By E-CO

  • Centre for Sustainable Healthcare Collaboration

    Aiming to reduce the environmental impact of plastic waste in surgery Today, Surgical Innovations announces its collaboration with the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare (“CSH”) to support wider efforts in the UK and globally to reduce the environmental impact of plastic waste in surgery. This new collaboration with CSH will enable the validation of the Company’s environmental ...

    By Surgical Innovations Limited

  • I)Video Management (VM) for operating theatres: Is there a standard need?

    Part 1: Identify the real need ‍Today hospitals, and in particular operating theaters, have become hubs of innovation. There is a real proliferation of solutions, functions and various technologies, with manufacturers, resellers or suppliers offering tailor-made and sometimes scalable solutions. These solutions are often captive and proprietary and do not always allow you to compose your own ...

    By ISIS S.A.S

  • Interventional Systems 2021 Wrap-Up And Look-Ahead

    It’s the beginning of a new year, so it’s also time to wrap up 2021 and have a close look into what’s coming up for 2022! 2021 sure came with a mix between fear and expectation, but we’re happy to tell you there’s more more things to be happy than sad about on our end. This one is gonna take a little longer than usual but make sure to read through the whole ...

  • Single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy: lessons learned for success

    Since its introduclion approximately 20 years ago, laparoscopic cholecystectomy has rapidly become the treatment of choice Tor symptomatic cholelithiasis [1—3]. Conventional laparoscopic cholecystectomy generally is performed through four small incisions in the abdominal wall [4]. Fn recent years, a less invasive method has been sought in an effort to reduce postoperative pain and ...

    By Virtual Ports

  • Value-Based Robotics, Pt.4: Micromate™ - Bringing Usability To The Operating Room

    Our Value-Based Robotics series advances towards the actual clinical use of robotics and issues concerning practicality and surgeon onboarding and training. It is generally accepted that robotic surgical systems enable minimally invasive surgery and improve outcomes, including shorter recovery times, less scarring, and reduced healthcare costs. This being said, the jury is still out on whether ...

  • Nanjing Southern New Town Medical Center - Case Study

    Opened in December 2018. As an important livelihood project, the Southern New Town Medical Center in the central area of the Southern New Town of Nanjing. 2.9 billion RMB has been invested to build the hospital. Large-scale comprehensive hospital, which integrates medical treatment, teaching, scientific research, rehabilitation, health care and first aid, and can accommodate 1500 beds. ...

  • Cyber security challenges in hospitals

    "In 15years, and across our fleet of more than 500 installed machines, we have had no viral infections," says Eric Lechopier, Director of Software Developmentat ISIS. This is a record that we can proudly announce at a time when cyber attacks are skyrocketing in hospitals. We do not have the solution to these attacks and we cannot guarantee that our customers will not be attacked. What we can do ...

    By ISIS S.A.S

  • World’s First aprevo Personalized Spine Surgery Performed Using the Only Available Spine Technology with FDA Breakthrough Designation

    SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Carlsmed, Inc. is announcing today that the firstaprevopatient specific spinal surgery has been successfully performed. Christopher Ames, M.D., director of spinal tumor and spinal deformity surgery at UC San Francisco Medical Center, assisted by Patrick Maloney, M.D., performed this landmark surgical procedure. “Carlsmed’s aprevofamily of devices represent ...

    By Carlsmed, Inc.

  • This device would change the intubation process during hospital visits

    WASHINGTON — Inside the “Build and Design Lab” at American University in Washington, D.C., a 3-D printer is crafting a small solution to a big problem. It’s an all-in-one, disposable, and biodegradable tool that would innovate intubation – the process of putting a tube down a patient’s throat. Irena Volkov, a neuroscientist by training, says the old ...

    By Surgicure Technologies, Inc

  • Three Techniques to Ensure the Proper Sterilization of Dental Instruments

    Surgical instruments must be carefully sterilized prior to their use in any medical procedure, in order to protect the safety of the patient. However, healthcare professionals realize that sterilization has applications that extend far beyond the operating room. In dentistry, a number of techniques have been developed to keep instruments free of microbes and other hazardous bodily fluids. ...

    By MadgeTech, Inc.

  • Glutaraldehyde – Health Hazards in Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities

    Glutaraldehyde is very similar to formaldehyde in its structure and uses in the healthcare industry. Chemically, glutaraldehyde exists at room temperature as a liquid, whereas formaldehyde exists under those conditions as a gas, which can easily be dissolved in water. Glutaraldehyde is often used as a substitute for formaldehyde because formaldehyde is now a suspect cancer-causing substance. ...

    By PHASE Associates, LLC

  • Novel Tumor Bed Marking in Breast Cancer: Expanding Beyond Lumpectomy

    VeraForm® placement to assist with localization and delivery of adjuvant radiation Historically, lumpectomies resulted in a scar immediately over the lumpectomy site, dictating delivery of adjuvant radiation on scar location, and frequently on the presence of a seroma. Currently, the question persists as to the optimal means to help direct the radiation oncologist to effectively deliver ...

    By Videra Surgical Inc.

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