Non-Invasive Ventilation Articles & Analysis
Exhaled air dispersion distances during noninvasive ventilation via different Respironics face masks
Abstract Background: As part of our influenza pandemic preparedness, we studied the exhaled air dispersion distances and directions through two different face masks (Respironics; Murrysville, PA) attached to a human-patient simulator (HPS) during noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation (NPPV) in an isolation room with pressure of -5 Pa. Methods: The HPS was positioned at 45 degrees on ...
By Inspir Labs
Exhaled air dispersion during noninvasive ventilation via helmets and a total facemask
Abstract Background: Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) via helmet or total facemask is an option for managing patients with respiratory infections in respiratory failure. However, the risk of nosocomial infection is unknown. Methods: We examined exhaled air dispersion during NIV using a human patient simulator reclined at 45° in a negative pressure room with 12 air changes/h by two ...
By Inspir Labs
Aerosol suction system: active protection for healthcare operators
Airsafe medical aerosol high-flow suction systemshave been designed in 2020 in response to the need to decrease risk of exposure for healthcare operators. The constant increase of hospital admissions required a further effort to healthcare facilities, for which it is a necessity to put together personal protective equipments (PPE as masks, gloves, visors, scrubs, etc.) already supplied by ...
By Airsafe
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