Healthcare Facility Articles & Analysis
Amerinet - MRI Safety Toolkit
Does your healthcare facility’s safety culture include a comprehensive program on MRI Safety? A partnership with Amerinet Quality Solutions can help ensure that your facility is educated on MRI Safety which could eliminate the risk of serious harm. Value Proposition: The Amerinet MRI Safety Toolkit provides a comprehensive, easily accessible resource containing best practice tools and ...
Beware Hazards in Healthcare: New Management Standards for Hazardous Waste Pharmaceuticals
Recently proposed EPA regulation provides a streamlined approach for healthcare facilities to better manage their hazardous pharmaceutical waste. To prepare for these changes, healthcare facilities, including manufacturers, distributers, pharmacies and retailers of pharmaceutical products in the USA will need to make operational adjustments around notification, training, record keeping and ...
Safety First! The potential for adverse events is rising in the MR suite
The MR world is in a bit of a conundrum. Providers are ramping up scan volumes to make up for missed exams (and missed revenue) during the lockdown phase of the pandemic, yet the U.S. is currently experiencing a shortage of technologists. If you do a search on the internet job board Indeed for MR technologist openings in the country, almost 4,000 positions will appear. The staffing shortage is ...
Michigan Hospital Leads Healthcare Facility Design - Case Study
CycleSafe had the opportunity to partner with a Michigan hospital that has been paving the way for hospital planning with its state-of-the-art facilities. This award winning hospital has been recognized as a groundbreaking healthcare facility that redefines how we understand what a hospital or clinic could be while enhancing its services to a community. Our partner has been recognized as a ...
Drug effectiveness reporting and monitoring systems: discussion and prototype development
While tracking systems have been developed to decrease occurrences and consequences of medication errors in healthcare facilities, there is a growing need for similar systems to monitor drugs that have just entered the market with unknown adverse events. Between 1997 and 2005, the FDA's MedWatch system successfully identified 15 drugs with toxic side-effects; it took an average of 5.9 years for ...
Glutaraldehyde – Health Hazards in Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities
Glutaraldehyde is very similar to formaldehyde in its structure and uses in the healthcare industry. Chemically, glutaraldehyde exists at room temperature as a liquid, whereas formaldehyde exists under those conditions as a gas, which can easily be dissolved in water. Glutaraldehyde is often used as a substitute for formaldehyde because formaldehyde is now a suspect cancer-causing substance. ...
6 Tips for Avoiding Pressure Ulcers in Healthcare Facilities
A silent but serious condition is impacting healthcare facilities around the world, taking a serious toll not only on patient safety but hospital revenue and operating costs, too. Although it’s not contagious, this condition afflicts 2.5 million patients each year, resulting in 60,000 deaths annually in the United States alone1. On top of that, it costs the U.S. health system an estimated ...
By EarlySense
Disinfectant wipes continue to be in short supply
Disinfectant wipes are used to disinfect handheld non-critical patient care items including stethoscopes, ultrasound machines, and other medical equipment. The disinfection of these items is even more critical during a global pandemic. But throughout the past 9+ months, disinfectant wipes (among other items) have been in short supply and considerably more expensive. In August, the cost of ...
The Spread of Communicable Diseases through Biomedical Liquid
Biomedical liquid waste originating from healthcare facilities, laboratories, and research centers often contains infectious materials that, when discharged without proper treatment, can contribute to the spread of communicable diseases through public sewers. These diseases can affect individuals coming into contact with contaminated water sources ...
Aerosol suction system: active protection for healthcare operators
Airsafe medical aerosol high-flow suction systemshave been designed in 2020 in response to the need to decrease risk of exposure for healthcare operators. The constant increase of hospital admissions required a further effort to healthcare facilities, for which it is a necessity to put together personal protective equipments (PPE as masks, gloves, visors, scrubs, etc.) already supplied by ...
By Airsafe
Targeting 100! Envisioning the high performance hospital in six climate regions
Cost control, maintaining quality healing and working environments, and more sustainable, energy efficient operations are important topics in healthcare today. This team has developed research directed at much higher performing hospitals - targeting both energy performance and interior environmental quality, for little capital investment in six of the most populous and diverse climate regions in ...
Powering Healthcare Facilities Today - Challenges from COVID-19, Sustainability, and Facility Design - ASCO Power Technologies
Power reliability for hospitals continues to be transformed by the ongoing evolution of backup power solutions. It also continues to be challenged by global events such as the COVID-19 pandemic and more frequent power outages. That is what ASCO Power Technologies discussed with Jacek Grabowski, Senior Project Engineer at Leach Wallace Associates, during a recent ASCO Power Industry Perspective ...
Hospitals and Surgery Suits
DEHUMIDIFIER FOR HOSPITAL AND SURGERY SUITS: HEALTHCARE DEHUMIDIFIER Controlling the humidity level is a major concern for the Healthcare Industry. Increasing and decreasing humidity is not ideal especially for hospital and clinics. Too dry, the dry air will suck moisture even the moisture of mucous membranes in the nose and throat to cause respiratory problems. The outside air will carry ...
Hospitals and Surgery Suits
Hospitals and Surgery Suits DEHUMIDIFIER FOR HOSPITAL AND SURGERY SUITS: HEALTHCARE DEHUMIDIFIER Controlling the humidity level is a major concern for the Healthcare Industry. Increasing and decreasing humidity is not ideal especially for hospital dehumidification and clinics. Too dry, the dry air will suck moisture even the moisture of mucous membranes in the nose and throat to cause ...
Hospitals and Surgery Suits
Controlling the humidity level is a major concern for the Healthcare Industry. Increasing and decreasing humidity is not ideal especially for hospital and clinics. Too dry, the dry air will suck moisture even the moisture of mucous membranes in the nose and throat to cause respiratory problems. The outside air will carry bacteria within and come to the healthcare facilities by the ventilation ...
Shifting COVID-related supply shortages
2021 is bringing about a new set of challenges for the healthcare supply chain. Vaccinations are beginning to rollout, and at the same time, COVID-19 cases are increasing. Premier, Inc. has just released analysis of both historic and predictive data from its supply chain forecasting technology. In their analysis, they identify the current healthcare supply categories at risk- shortages are ...
Keeping Productivity Up Throughout a Health Facility’s Transition
Steve Carter of The Carter Group, a solution provider at the marcus evans National Healthcare CXO Summit Spring 2013, on healthcare facility transition planning. Interview with: Steve Carter, President, The Carter Group ObamaCare will be bringing 30 million participants into the healthcare system, and organizations are faced with the challenge of capturing, retaining and growing their ...
By Marcus Evans
Why Cold Chain Monitoring is Critical in the Delivery of Vaccines
Vaccine monitoring throughout the cold chain until final delivery is essential. Vaccines are a key component in our health care system. One of the most cost-effective and efficient public health strategies is immunization. The end of many disease outbreaks can be directly attributed to the development of their respective vaccines. They have an immense societal contribution, which is why it is ...
HealthySole launches UVC-powered shoe sanitizer for healthcare settings
HealtySOLE has launched a new PLUS model of its shoe sanitizer meant for use in hospitals and other settings where infection control is urgent. Researchers have proven a device using ultraviolet light technology can neutralize the coronavirus and other infectious diseases on the soles of shoes by more than 99.5 percent, according to a new study. “The device deactivated coronavirus ...
Managing the full medical equipment lifecycle
Using Medical Equipment Capital Planning Software To Transform Your Equipment Lifecycle. According to a Moody’s Investor’s Service analysis,"Not-for-profit and public healthcare - US: Medians - Regional hospital medians mirror stress seen in national trends", operating margins for hospitals have fallen to an all-time low of 1.6%. Becker’s CFO Report, "A new way of thinking ...
By Accruent
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