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Arterial Blood Articles & Analysis

13 articles found
  • Structural and functional changes in cardiovascular system at arterial hypertension in persons exposed to ionising radiation

    The purposes of this research were: (1) to carry out the comparative evaluation of indices of the morphofunctional condition of the cardiovascular system (CVS) in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) exposed to ionizing radiation, taking into account the occurrence of peripheral arterial atherosclerosis and the spread of traditional risk factors of cardiovascular diseases (CVD); (2) to ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Development of a Bioartificial Vascular Pancreas

    Abstract Transplantation of pancreatic islets has been shown to be effective, in some patients, for the long-term treatment of type 1 diabetes. However, transplantation of islets into either the portal vein or the subcutaneous space can be limited by insufficient oxygen transfer, leading to islet loss. Furthermore, oxygen diffusion limitations can be magnified when islet numbers are increased ...

    By Humacyte, Inc.

  • Arterial reconstruction with human bioengineered acellular blood vessels in patients with peripheral arterial disease

    Abstract Objective: Vascular conduit is essential for arterial reconstruction for a number of conditions, including trauma and atherosclerotic occlusive disease. We have developed a tissue-engineered human acellular vessel (HAV) that can be manufactured, stored on site at hospitals, and be immediately available for arterial vascular reconstruction. Although the HAV is acellular when implanted, ...

    By Humacyte, Inc.

  • How Fluoropolymers are Being Used in Cardiac Procedures

    Your three main coronary arteries are responsible for bringing blood to the heart. When they start to become blocked, it can weaken the heart and eventually lead to a heart attack if the blockage isn't addressed and there isn't enough blood supply to the heart. On the left side of the heart, there are two coronary arteries responsible for providing rich blood supply to the heart to ensure it ...

    By Fluorostore

  • Conceptual Considerations for Device-Based Therapy in Acute Decompensated Heart Failure

    Abstract Acute decompensated heart failure remains the most common cause of hospitalization in older adults, and studies of pharmacological therapies have yielded limited progress in improving outcomes for these patients. This has prompted the development of novel device–based interventions, classified mechanistically based on the way in which they intend to improve central hemodynamics, ...

    By Second Heart Assist, Inc.

  • Different Types of Limb Loss: Before & After Surgery

    Before a patient can get fit with their multi-articulating myoelectric hand, it’s vital that their prosthetist conducts a thorough evaluation and understands the cause of amputation or limb loss. This information helps prosthetists understand what a patient’s needs are so they can determine which prosthetic hand is the best fit for them. With this in mind, we’ll discuss the ...

  • Added value of advanced perfusion parameters in Moyamoya patients - Case Study

    Introduction Moyamoya disease (MMD) is a cerebrovascular disease characterised by progressive steno-occlusion of the terminal part of the internal carotid arteries, causing a decline in cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) distal to the steno-occlusion lesion. This will trigger a haemodynamic and metabolic response to preserve the cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2). Cerebral auto-regulation ...

    By Cercare Medical A/S

  • Understanding the Pulmonary Effects of Inhaled Arsenic Trioxide (ATO)

    Arsenic trioxide (ATO) is an inorganic arsenical that poses significant environmental and public health risks due to its toxic nature. While it is widely used in various industrial and medicinal applications, the potential harm caused by intentional or accidental exposure cannot be overlooked. Despite its prevalence, the pulmonary pathology resulting from acute high-dose exposure to ATO has not ...

  • Dental Problems Linked To Heart Disease and Diabetes

    Dental Problems Linked To Heart Disease and Diabetes Over the last ten years there has been a growing body of evidence linking periodontal disease and systemic diseases. Every day new research is making the link stronger. Periodontal infection is the advanced stages of gum disease that causes bone loss. The bone loss is irreversible. Gingivitis is the early stage of gum disease and with early ...

    By Dental Air Force Labs

  • Academic research conclusion: Is exercising inside hyperbaric chamber the next big thing?

    The beneficial effects of hyperoxia supplementation on oxygen transport system capacity, lactic acid metabolism capacity, power output performance, and endurance exercise tolerance have been described in multiple previous studies (Sperlich et al., 2017; Cardinale and Ekblom, 2018). With regard to exercise performance, Knight et al. (1993) used a combination of femoral arterial and venous ...


  • What is heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF)?

    Overview What is HFpEF? Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) is a clinical syndrome in which patients have signs and symptoms of HF as the result of high left ventricular (LV) filling pressure, despite normal or near-normal LV ejection fraction (EF). Most patients with HFpEF also display normal LV volumes and an abnormal diastolic filling pattern (i.e, diastolic ...

    By Ultromics Limited

  • Diabetes: Medications, Treatments, and Remedies

    Lifestyle can have a big impact on how your body handles blood glucose and sometimes a change in habits and activities is all that’s needed to prevent or better manage diabetes. But if changes in lifestyle aren’t enough to keep blood sugar levels normal, your doctor may prescribe medication to help lower insulin levels or insulin therapy. We’ll discuss here the most often ...

    By Genteel LLC

  • LimFlow Percutaneous Deep Venous Arterialization

    What interested you in LimFlow, and how did you get involved in the PROMISE I trial? Dr. Clair: Practicing vascular surgery, where a number of patients are evaluated for chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI), you are guaranteed to have patients who are not candidates for percutaneous or surgical revascularization. These patients often have arterial systems open or identifiable to the ankle, ...

    By LimFlow, Inc.

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