Control Bionics, Inc.

Control Bionics, Inc.

A Complete Communication System: Guaranteed Integration

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Courtesy of Control Bionics, Inc.

EMG sensors are valuable tools that can be utilized by individuals living with complex medical conditions. These devices allow people to do things that were not easily attainable or even possible without one, such as communicating with others and having confidence and control in their lives.

As EMG sensors are gaining popularity in the medical device industry, various companies have created and offer their own versions of this assistive technology. The most sophisticated EMG sensor in the market is the NeuroNode, part of the NeuroNode Trilogy System. This communication system was designed as a system, not something you have to build from individual parts. This results in the assurance that everything will work together and that you have one number to call with questions.

The most sophisticated EMG Sensor

What is the NeuroNode?

The NeuroNode is a sensor which offers the combined power of EMG and 3D spatial control, allowing users to choose muscle control or movement control to operate our NeuroNode Trilogy systems all in one small, wearable device. Once connected to the user, the NeuroNode works together with the Controller Application to amplify and interpret the user’s signal, sending it to their Control Bionics communication device. The user’s signal is further translated in the communication device providing the user with full access to all the computer’s features for speech generation, web browsing, sending emails, etc.

One of the features of the NeuroNode is the choice of using either EMG or Spatial mode. EMG (electromyography) is the measurement of electrical activity associated with the activation of a muscle group as detected by non-invasive electrodes on the surface of the skin. Spatial mode allows the device to track its location in space and create a switch based on that location. With other piecemeal systems, the ability to use spatial mode in addition to EMG would require an entirely separate device. However, with the combined EMG and spatial mode that our sensor offers, the NeuroNode allows for high flexibility and convenience with just a single device.

Advanced App to See Muscle Activity

The NeuroNode Controller Application

Included in the Trilogy system is the NeuroNode Controller Application, which is pre-installed on the user’s iOS or Windows device. Designed to pair with the NeuroNode sensor, this application is used to set the signaling parameters while simultaneously graphing the user’s EMG or spatial signals to ensure optimal signal outcomes for efficient and effective control of the user’s device.

Upon connecting to the NeuroNode, it is important to establish a good signal since this will become the user’s “switch” for selecting items and controlling the device. Within the controller app is a graph that works with the NeuroNode to present visual and verbal feedback as well as a real-time measurement of the user’s signaling ability, making calibration and customization a quick and easy process.

This application gives visibility to level of signal a user is emitting, allowing for easy adjustments to the system to make the user more accurate. Once the settings are made, the user can save the profile for easy access the next time they use the device.

A Complete Communication System

Integration Guaranteed

While other companies sell a single EMG sensor, there is no guarantee it will work with other machines. With the NeuroNode Trilogy systems, we have put together several components that work together seamlessly with the software and hardware to create a complete system for our clients. The NeuroNode has been tested and proven to work together with our speech generating device, guaranteeing its compatibility to provide the user with the ability to speak and have complete control of various applications from just one system.

At Control Bionics, we have experts that have been trained in our technology. In the case of any technological issues, rather than passing you on to other companies to troubleshoot, our experts provide a one stop shop for tech support.

Make Life-Changing Connections

See how the NeuroNode, part of the NeuroNode Trilogy system, helps some of our users make their own life-changing connections.

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