Wearable Insulin Patch for Healthcare Professionals - Medical / Health Care
CeQur Simplicity is revolutionizing mealtime insulin delivery for T1 and T2 diabetes patients on multiple daily injections (MDIs). Our 3-day wearable insulin patch removes mealtime insulin barriers, providing a convenient, discreet, and injection-free way for people with diabetes to deliver mealtime and correction boluses.4
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- Can be worn for up to three days5
- Water-resistant5
- Holds up to 200 units of rapid-acting insulin1
- Easy to use and learn,1
- Can be worn and dosed under clothing
- One click administers two units of insulin
- Thin (1
- Less pain encourages adherence3
- Clinically shown to reduce A1C, increase TIR1
- One patch replaces nine mealtime injections
- Small, flexible cannula for painless insulin delivery5
Getting patients started with CeQur Simplicity is easy. Most patients need1
Fill the patch with a 3-day supply of insulin. CeQur Simplicity holds up to 200 units of rapid-acting insulin*
*Labeled for use with Humalog® U-100 and Novolog® U-100
- Use the Inserter to apply the patch to the abdomen for up to three days of wear and injection-free dosing
- Remove the Inserter, and the patch is ready to dose.
Two-button safety mechanism prevents accidental dosing. Buttons lock in “squeezed” position when reservoir is empty or cannula is occluded5
Audible and tactile feedback indicates 2-unit delivery5
Water-resistant to a depth of 1 meter for up to 30 minutes5
CeQur Simplicity is clinically shown to improve glycemic control, which can reduce the risk of long-term health complications.
CeQur Simplicity is covered on most commercial and Medicare Part D insurance plans as a pharmacy benefit. In plans where CeQur Simplicity is covered, two-thirds of patients have a co-pay of $75 or less a month. Individual plans and pharmacy benefits vary by patient, and we at CeQur are here to help you and your patients. Contact the CeQur Care team at 1-888-552-3787.
- 1 Prescribe CeQur Simplicity 2U patch, 10-pack
- 2Prescribe CeQur Simplicity Inserter
- 3Prescribe a vial of rapid-acting insulin – labeled for use with Humalog® U-100 or Novolog® U-100
- 4Ensure patients schedule their training session to get started. Training must occur prior to first usage. A healthcare provider from your office or a CeQur Care healthcare professional can train the patient. Have patients contact CeQur Care at 1-888-552-3787 or cequrcare@cequr.com.