CeQur Simplicity SA

CeQur Simplicity SA

Wearable Insulin Patch for Healthcare Professionals - Medical / Health Care

Why Prescribe the CeQur Simplicity Wearable Insulin Patch?
Patients that use the CeQur Simplicity wearable insulin patch are more likely to adhere to their insulin regimen and achieve glycemic targets.

CeQur Simplicity is revolutionizing mealtime insulin delivery for T1 and T2 diabetes patients on multiple daily injections (MDIs). Our 3-day wearable insulin patch removes mealtime insulin barriers, providing a convenient, discreet, and injection-free way for people with diabetes to deliver mealtime and correction boluses.4


  • Can be worn for up to three days5
  • Water-resistant5
  • Holds up to 200 units of rapid-acting insulin1
  • Easy to use and learn,1
  • Can be worn and dosed under clothing
  • One click administers two units of insulin 
  • Thin (1 
  • Less pain encourages adherence3
  • Clinically shown to reduce A1C, increase TIR1
  • One patch replaces nine mealtime injections
  • Small, flexible cannula for painless insulin delivery5
CeQur Simplicity Is Easy to Teach and Use

Getting patients started with CeQur Simplicity is easy. Most patients need1

Patients follow these simple steps to begin using the CeQur Simplicity 3-day wearable insulin patch*

Fill the patch with a 3-day supply of insulin. CeQur Simplicity holds up to 200 units of rapid-acting insulin*

*Labeled for use with Humalog® U-100 and Novolog® U-100

  1. Use the Inserter to apply the patch to the abdomen for up to three days of wear and injection-free dosing
  2. Remove the Inserter, and the patch is ready to dose.
Built-in safety features ensure proper dosing and quickly build patient comfort

Two-button safety mechanism prevents accidental dosing. Buttons lock in “squeezed” position when reservoir is empty or cannula is occluded5

Audible and tactile feedback indicates 2-unit delivery5

Water-resistant to a depth of 1 meter for up to 30 minutes5

Our Wearable Insulin Patch Is Proven Reliable and Effective

CeQur Simplicity is clinically shown to improve glycemic control, which can reduce the risk of long-term health complications.

We Have You and Your Patients Covered

CeQur Simplicity is covered on most commercial and Medicare Part D insurance plans as a pharmacy benefit. In plans where CeQur Simplicity is covered, two-thirds of patients have a co-pay of $75 or less a month. Individual plans and pharmacy benefits vary by patient, and we at CeQur are here to help you and your patients. Contact the CeQur Care team at 1-888-552-3787.

How to get patients started with the CeQur Simplicity wearable insulin patch
  1. 1 Prescribe CeQur Simplicity 2U patch, 10-pack
  2. 2Prescribe CeQur Simplicity Inserter
  3. 3Prescribe a vial of rapid-acting insulin – labeled for use with Humalog® U-100 or Novolog® U-100
  4. 4Ensure patients schedule their training session to get  started. Training must occur prior to first usage. A healthcare provider from your office or a CeQur Care healthcare professional can train the patient. Have patients contact CeQur Care at 1-888-552-3787 or cequrcare@cequr.com.