Pluton Biosciences, Inc.

Pluton Biosciences, Inc.

Microbiological solutions for the metagenomic analysis of the microbiome industry - Monitoring and Testing

Microbe Inotech Laboratories, Inc. provides a microbial genomics platform through licensed database agreements focused on the characterization of microorganisms, pathogens and anti-microbial resistance for pathogen detection, food safety inspections and issues, pharmaceutical discovery, public health surveillance, water and wastewater analysis, agriculture and microbiome analysis and comparisons. From a post-sequencingmetagenomic sample (i.e. DNA extracted from your sample) the MiL Inc. provides identification ofbacteria, DNA viruses, fungi, parasites, antibiotic resistance and virulence genes, and more. We access curated genome databases having sensitivity and specificity >95% in metagenomic samples. We can compare microbiomes over space and time providing insights into microbial communities and their functions as well as changes due to treatments and other environmental factors.

Overview Applications & Industries Served

The process consists of 1) collecting the biological sample 2) directly extracting and generating the sequence DNA data which then 3) is processed using the most advanced software and accessing the bestcurated and extensive databases available beyond the public accessible ones. Finally, the MiLInc.has the skills and knowledge to present the complex data in several simple understandable formats. The following table shows the comprehensive nature of the databases used in the analysis of any submitted sample.

Database Statistics


Database Name Statistic

  • Amplicon 16S null
  • Amplicon ITS
  • Bacteria 32282 unique genomes (bacteria and archaea), 31828 bacteria, 454 archaea
  • Antibiotic Resistance 1953 genes
  • Fungi 399 genera, 824 species
  • Protists 75 unique genera, 187 unique species
  • Viruses 5025 genomes, 4255 species, and 467 genera Respiratory Virus 26 genera, 140 species
  • Virulence Factors 2817 genes

This MiL Inc. reportsare designed for Research Use Only in accordance with applicable rules and regulations of the United States Food and Drug Administration and other applicable laws, and your sample shall not be used for patient care or diagnostic, clinical or therapeutic use. By sample submission you agree to use MiL Inc.’s reports for Research Use Only. No analyses, reports, or other information obtained or provided through the MiL Inc.’s services are intended to be (nor should be relied upon as) medical advice or instructions for medical diagnosis or treatment. This report is designed for whole genome shotgun (WGS) analysis on reads of at least 75 bases in length and should not be used for 16S analysis. 16S identifications we can also provide.

We look forward to working on samples you submit for metagenomic analysis. Never before has this been possible at the price points we provide you. Submit the details on your projects by email and we will provide written quotes as to the pricing. Comparative analysis between samples is very powerful.