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Surgical Resection Product Applications

3 applications found
  • Investors - Akrotome FIRE

    For many solid tumors, the best chance for a cure is surgery. A surgical cure depends upon the complete removal of all cancer tissue from a patient (a “complete resection”). ...

    By Akrotome Imaging, Inc. based in Cleveland, OHIO (USA).

  • Diagnostic Solutions for Colorectal Cancer

    Standard treatment for advanced colorectal cancer generally involves surgical resection and chemotherapy. However, the recent emergence of targeted therapies, particularly those that inhibit EGFR, has provided treatment options that extend survival for a subset of patients. ...

    By Biocept based in San Diego, CALIFORNIA (USA).

  • Ablation System for Soft Tissue

    The ability to create large, RF lesions has multiple applications in soft tissue and tumor ablation. For example, there is a clear, unmet need in the market for the treatment of liver cancer. ...

    By Thermedical, Inc. based in Waltham, MASSACHUSETTS (USA).

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